Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia: 1. That §24.2-643 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted as follows: §24.2-643. Qualified voter permitted to vote; procedures at polling place; voter identification. A. After the polls are open, each qualified voter at a precinct shall be permitted to vote. The officers of election shall ascertain that a person offering to vote is a qualified voter before admitting him to the voting booth and furnishing an official ballot to him. B. (Effective January 2, 2016) An officer of election shall
ask the voter for his full name and current residence address and the voter
may give such information orally or in writing. The officer of election shall
repeat, in a voice audible to party and candidate representatives present, the
full name and address Any voter who does not show one of the forms of identification specified in this subsection shall be offered a provisional ballot under the provisions of §24.2-653. The State Board of Elections shall provide an ID-ONLY provisional ballot envelope that requires no follow-up action by the registrar or electoral board other than matching submitted identification documents from the voter for the electoral board to make a determination on whether to count the ballot. If the voter presents one of the forms of identification
listed above, if his name is found on the pollbook in a form identical to or
substantially similar to the name on the presented form of identification and
the name A voter may be accompanied into the voting booth by his child age 15 or younger. C. If the current residence address D. At the time the voter is asked his full name and current residence address, the officer of election shall ask any voter for whom the pollbook indicates that an identification number other than a social security number is recorded on the Virginia voter registration system if he presently has a social security number. If the voter is able to provide his social security number, he shall be furnished with a voter registration form prescribed by the State Board to update his registration information. Upon its completion, the form shall be placed by the officer of election in an envelope provided for such forms for transmission to the general registrar. Any social security numbers so provided shall be entered by the general registrar in the voter's record on the voter registration system. |