Offered January 17, 2014
A BILL to amend the Code of Virginia by adding in Chapter 16 of Title 23 an article numbered 2.1, consisting of sections numbered 23-220.5 and 23-220.6, relating to the Community College Workforce Training Grant Program.
Patron-- Marshall, D.W.
Committee Referral Pending

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding in Chapter 16 of Title 23 an article numbered 2.1, consisting of sections numbered 23-220.5 and 23-220.6, as follows:

Article 2.1.
Community College Workforce Training Grant Program.

§23-220.5. Community College Workforce Training Grant Fund.

There is hereby created in the state treasury a special nonreverting fund to be known as the Community College Workforce Training Grant Fund, referred to in this section as "the Fund." The Fund shall be established on the books of the Comptroller. All funds as may be appropriated by the General Assembly and any gifts, grants, or donations from public or private sources shall be paid into the state treasury and credited to the Fund. Interest earned on moneys in the Fund shall remain in the Fund and be credited to it. Any moneys remaining in the Fund, including interest thereon, at the end of each fiscal year shall not revert to the general fund but shall remain in the Fund. Moneys in the Fund shall be used solely for the purposes of providing grants in response to applications to the Community College Workforce Training Grant Program pursuant to §23-220.6. Expenditures and disbursements from the Fund, which shall be in the form of grants, shall be made by the State Treasurer on warrants issued by the Comptroller upon written request signed by the Chancellor of Community Colleges.

§23-220.6. Community College Workforce Training Grant Program.

A. As used in this section, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Fund" means the Community College Workforce Training Grant Fund established pursuant to §23-220.5.

"Grant" means a grant issued pursuant to the Community College Workforce Training Grant Program.

B. Beginning January 1, 2015, any community college may apply for a grant from the Fund. Such grant shall be in an amount equal to $1,000 per student who (i) has successfully completed a noncredit workforce training program at the community college and (ii) subsequently obtains an industry-recognized certification or license in a high employer demand field in the region served by the community college, as identified by the Board. No community college shall receive more than 15 percent of the total moneys in the Fund in any given year.

C. A community college shall apply to the Board for a grant for expanding and improving the college's noncredit workforce training programs. Grants shall be issued in the order that each completed eligible application is received. In the event that the amount of eligible grants requested in a fiscal year exceeds the funds available in the Fund, such grants shall be paid in the next fiscal year in which funds are available.

D. The Board, in consultation with the Virginia Workforce Council and local business and industry leaders, shall identify high employer demand fields for each community college region.

E. The Board shall establish general requirements for applying and qualifying for a grant.