Offered January 8, 2020
Prefiled January 8, 2020
A BILL to amend the Code of Virginia by adding in Article 6 of Chapter 6 of Title 10.1 a section numbered 10.1-660, relating to Flood Resiliency Clearing House Program.
Patron-- Hodges
Committee Referral Pending

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding in Article 6 of Chapter 6 of Title 10.1 a section numbered 10.1-660 as follows:

§10.1-660. Flood Resiliency Clearing House Program.

A. The Department of Conservation and Recreation shall develop a Flood Resiliency Clearing House Program (the Clearing House) for coordinating flood mitigation solutions.

B. The Clearing House shall:

1. Solicit from the public the submission of flood mitigation solutions that are not currently listed in the Clearing House.

2. Review such flood mitigation solutions in coordination with other agencies pursuant to this article.

3. Approve any submitted flood mitigation solutions that it deems appropriate for listing in the Clearing House. The Clearing House shall favor solutions that (i) manage both water quality and flooding and (ii) emphasize nature-based solutions, including both approved stormwater best management practices (BMPs) and solutions that are not approved BMPs. The Clearing House shall approve as a flood mitigation solution the design of any living shoreline that meets the definition set forth in §28.2-104.1 and is designed to a tidal storm surge elevation referenced in a Flood Insurance Study prepared for the locality by the Federal Emergency Management Agency pursuant to the National Flood Insurance Program.

4. Disseminate approved flood mitigation solutions.