Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:
1. That §10.1-2211.1 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted and that the Code of Virginia is amended by adding a section numbered 10.1-2211.1:1 as follows:
§10.1-2211.1. Disbursement of funds appropriated for caring for Revolutionary War cemeteries and graves.
A. At the direction of the Director, the Comptroller of the
Commonwealth is instructed and empowered to draw annual warrants upon the State
Treasurer from any sums that may be provided in the general appropriation act,
in favor of the treasurers of the Virginia Society of the Sons of the
American Revolution (VASSAR) and the Revolutionary War memorial
associations caring for cemeteries as set forth in subsection B. Such sums
shall be expended by the associations for the routine maintenance of their
respective Revolutionary War cemeteries and graves and for the graves of
Revolutionary War soldiers and sailors not otherwise cared for in other
cemeteries, and in erecting and caring for markers, memorials, and
monuments to the memory of such soldiers and, sailors, and
persons rendering service to the Patriot cause in the Revolutionary War.
All such associations, through their proper officers, are required after July 1
of each year to submit to the Director a certified statement that the funds
appropriated disbursed to the association or organization in the
preceding fiscal year were or will be expended for the routine maintenance of
cemeteries and graves specified in this section and the graves of
Revolutionary War soldiers and sailors and in erecting and caring for
markers, memorials, and monuments to the memory of such soldiers and,
sailors, and persons rendering service to the Patriot cause in the
Revolutionary War. A If a cemetery association failing
fails to comply with any of the requirements of this section, such
association shall be prohibited from receiving moneys allocated under this
section for all subsequent fiscal years until the association fully complies
with the requirements. No retroactive disbursement of funds for any
preceding year shall be made. The Director shall deposit any appropriated funds
that are not disbursed during the same fiscal year into the Revolutionary War
Cemeteries and Graves Fund created pursuant to §10.1-2211.1:1.
B. Allocation of appropriations made pursuant to this section
shall be based on the number of graves, monuments, and markers as set
forth opposite the cemetery name, or as documented by each association
multiplied by the rate of five dollars $5 or the average actual
cost of routine maintenance, whichever is greater, for each grave, monument,
or marker in the care of a cemetery association. For the purposes of this
section, the "average actual cost of care" shall be determined
by the Department in a biennial survey of at least four properly maintained
cemeteries, each located in a different geographical region of the
Amherst |
St. Matthews Episcopal Church |
3 |
Augusta |
Bethel Presbyterian Church |
33 |
Glebe Burying Ground |
11 |
Mossy Creek Cemetery |
6 |
Augusta Stone Presbyterian Church |
44 |
Hebron Presbyterian Church |
6 |
Old Providence Presbyterian Church |
20 |
Rocky Spring Presbyterian Church |
4 |
St. John's Reformed Lutheran Church |
4 |
St. Peter's Lutheran Church |
3 |
Tinkling Springs Presbyterian Church |
13 |
Trinity Lutheran Church |
8 |
Botetourt |
Fincastle Presbyterian Church |
28 |
Campbell |
Callaway-Steptoe Cemetery |
4 |
Cobbs Hall Farm |
3 |
Concord Presbyterian Church |
4 |
Family Cemetery at Avoca |
3 |
Mount Airy Family Cemetery |
3 |
Haden Family Cemetery on Phillips Farm |
3 |
Hat Creek Presbyterian Church |
3 |
Clarke |
Old Chapel Churchyard |
3 |
Culpeper |
Culpeper Cemetery |
3 |
Masonic Cemetery |
3 |
Dinwiddie |
Sweden Plantation |
3 |
Floyd |
Pine Creek Cemetery |
4 |
Franklin |
Tanyard-Benard-Hill Cemetery |
3 |
Greenesville |
Robinson Family Cemetery |
3 |
Halifax |
Terry Family Cemetery |
5 |
Hanover |
Spring Grove Cemetery |
5 |
Henry |
Leatherwood Plantation |
5 |
Loudoun |
Ketoctin Cemetery |
7 |
Louisa |
Little River Baptist Church |
3 |
Nelson |
Cub Creek Road Cemetery |
10 |
Page |
Printz Family Cemetery |
3 |
Pittsylvania |
Buckler Family Cemetery |
3 |
Roanoke |
Walton Family Cemetery |
3 |
Rockingham |
Dayton Cemetery |
3 |
Old Peaked Mountain Church |
30 |
Russell |
Soloman Litton Hollow Cemetery |
4 |
Shenandoah |
St. Mary's Lutheran Church |
7 |
Tazewell |
Thompson Family Cemetery |
4 |
Washington |
Green Spring Church |
6 |
Sinking Spring Cemetery |
9 |
Wythe |
St. John's Lutheran Church |
5 |
St. Paul's Lutheran Church |
4 |
Alexandria |
Christ Church Cemetery |
8 |
Old Presbyterian Meeting House |
43 |
Fairfax |
Fairfax City Cemetery |
3 |
Pohick Church Cemetery |
3 |
Washington Family Tomb |
3 |
Fredericksburg |
Fredericksburg Cemetery |
5 |
Masonic Cemetery |
6 |
St. George's Episcopal Church |
3 |
Lexington |
Stonewall Jackson Memorial Cemetery |
19 |
Washington and Lee University |
3 |
Lynchburg |
Old City Cemetery |
3 |
Newport News |
Warwick Burial Ground |
3 |
Norfolk |
St. Paul's Cemetery |
3 |
Portsmouth |
Cedar Grove |
4 |
Trinity Episcopal Church |
5 |
Richmond |
Hollywood Cemetery |
4 |
Shockoe Hill Cemetery |
8 |
St. John's Episcopal Church |
4 |
Rockbridge |
Falling Spring Presbyterian Church |
6 |
High Bridge Presbyterian Church |
3 |
New Providence Presbyterian Church |
16 |
Timber Ridge Cemetery |
9 |
Staunton |
Trinity Episcopal Church |
17 |
Williamsburg |
Bruton Parish Church |
4 |
Winchester |
Mount Hebron Cemetery |
31 |
Old Opequon Presbyterian Church |
10 |
C. In addition to any sums that may be provided in favor of the associations as set forth in subsection B, the Director shall disburse funds at the same rate to VASSAR to fund its maintenance of no more than 4,050 additional Revolutionary War graves in the Commonwealth, as documented and certified by VASSAR and set forth in a list submitted annually to the Director.
In addition to funds that may be provided pursuant to
subsection B, any D. Any of the associations and societies
set forth in subsection B or C may apply to the Director for grants to
perform extraordinary maintenance, renovation, repair, or reconstruction
of any of their respective Revolutionary War cemeteries and graves and for
the graves of Revolutionary War to erect and care for markers,
memorials, and monuments to the memory of such soldiers and,
sailors, and persons rendering service to the Patriot cause in the
Revolutionary War. These grants shall be made from any appropriation made
available by the General Assembly for such purpose or from the Revolutionary
War Cemeteries and Graves Fund created pursuant to §10.1-2211.1:1. In
making such grants, the Director shall give full consideration to the
assistance available from the United States U.S. Department of
Veterans Affairs, or other agencies, except in those instances where
such assistance is deemed by the Director to be detrimental to the historical,
artistic, or architectural significance of the site.
D. E. Local matching funds shall not be required
for grants made pursuant to this section.
§10.1-2211.1:1. Revolutionary War Cemeteries and Graves Fund.
There is hereby created in the state treasury a special nonreverting fund to be known as the Revolutionary War Cemeteries and Graves Fund, referred to in this section as "the Fund." The Fund shall be established on the books of the Comptroller. All funds appropriated for such purpose, all funds deposited in the Fund pursuant to subsection A of §10.1-2211.1, and any gifts, donations, grants, bequests, and other funds received on its behalf shall be paid into the state treasury and credited to the Fund. Interest earned on moneys in the Fund shall remain in the Fund and be credited to it. Any moneys remaining in the Fund, including interest thereon, at the end of each fiscal year shall not revert to the general fund but shall remain in the Fund. Moneys in the Fund shall be used solely for the purposes set out in subsection D of §10.1-2211.1. Expenditures and disbursements from the Fund shall be made by the State Treasurer on warrants issued by the Comptroller upon written request signed by the Director.
2. That the provisions of this act shall not become effective unless an appropriation effectuating the purposes of this act is included in a general appropriation act passed in 2018 by the General Assembly that becomes law.