Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:
1. That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding a section numbered 22.1-98.3 as follows:
§22.1-98.3. In-person instruction; education vouchers.
A. In the event that any school board does not provide the option of in-person instruction as the sole method of instruction for any enrolled student, the parent of any such student who withdraws his child from attendance shall receive, upon request, an education voucher in an amount equal to a prorated share of the applicable Standards of Quality per-pupil state funds appropriated for public school purposes and apportioned to the school division, including the per-pupil share of state sales tax funding in basic aid and any state per-pupil share of special education funding for which the child is eligible, to cover the expenses of providing in-person instruction in an alternative setting.
B. The Department of Education may establish rules, regulations, or procedures for the issuance of education vouchers in accordance with the provisions of subsection A.
2. That an emergency exists and this act is in force from its passage.