

Offered January 8, 2025

Prefiled January 8, 2025

A BILL to amend and reenact § 2 of Chapter VI and § 1 of Chapter XV of Chapter 431 of the Acts of Assembly of 1950, which provided a charter for the City of Hopewell, relating to duties of the treasurer.




Committee Referral Pending


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That § 2 of Chapter VI and § 1 of Chapter XV of Chapter 431 of the Acts of Assembly of 1950 are amended and reenacted as follows:

Chapter VI. City Clerk and Director of Finance.

§ 2. The city manager may, if authorized by the city council, appoint a director of finance whose qualifications shall be such and who shall perform such duties as the city manager may direct.

(a) The director of finance shall have charge of the financial affairs of the city, including such powers and duties as may be assigned by the city manager not inconsistent with the Constitution of Virginia and general laws of the Commonwealth. The director of finance shall appoint and remove officers and employees of the department and shall have power to make rules and regulations consistent with this charter and the ordinances of the city for the conduct of its business. The director of finance shall have charge of the administration of the financial affairs for the city, subject to the direction and control of the city manager, except those of the school board.

(b) The director of finance shall provide oversight of the finances of the city and aid in maintaining the city's good fiscal standing by:

1. Maintaining a general system for the city government and each of its departments, boards, commissions, offices, and agencies in conformity with the best-recognized practices in governmental accounting and by encumbering each item of appropriation and the allotments thereof with the amount of each purchase order, payroll or contact.

2. Auditing before payment for legality and correctness all accounts, claims and demands against the city.

3. Managing and accessing the city's cash and investments, including but not limited to, those investments in the Virginia Local Government Investment Pool ("LGIP") administered by the Cash Management and Investments Division of the Virginia Department of the Treasury, and having custody and control of all other investments and invested funds of the city or in its possession in a fiduciary capacity unless otherwise required by this charter, law, ordinance, or the terms of any trust, by safekeeping all bonds and notes of the city, and the receipt and delivery of city bonds and notes for transfer, registration and exchange.

4. Managing and accessing all bank accounts for the city, including management of associated banking relationships and procurement of new banking contracts as required. No money shall be drawn from any bank account of the city except by warrant or check signed by the director of finance and upon the director of finance's receipt of a corresponding voucher.

5. Managing and accessing all revenue and accounting and auditing of funds activity involving managing the deposit and disbursement of all city accounts. This activity is responsible for the reconciliation of bank, investment, credit card, merchant, revenue, and expenditure accounts related to the city's ledger.

6. Administering the Emergency Medical Services ("EMS") billing services but excluding collections.

7. Managing and maintaining custody of all electronic documents and documentation, paper documents and documentation, and software-related access (passwords) to all banking and investment accounts.

8. Authorizing the city manager to designate specific city departments and employees necessary to aid the director of finance in effectuating the above-described changes in duties and functions, including but not limited to making the necessary transfer of funds from the city treasurer's office existing appropriation authority to the departments so designated to complete the duties and tasks.

Chapter XV. City Treasurer.

§ 1. There shall be elected as hereinbefore provided, a city treasurer, who shall give bond as the council may prescribe, and whose duties and obligations shall be such as is provided by the general law of the Commonwealth and as shall be prescribed by the council as follows:

(a) Bill, collect and receive all money due to the city from the Commonwealth and all taxes and levies due to the Commonwealth and collected within the city, and disburse the same, using any procedure now or hereafter prescribed by law. In performing these duties, the city treasurer shall be entitled to employ such staff as the State Compensation Board authorizes.

(b) The city treasurer shall have such other duties as the council may prescribe by ordinance.