Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:
1. That §2.2-2452 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted as follows:
§2.2-2452. Board of Veterans Services; membership; terms; quorum; compensation; staff.
A. The Board of Veterans Services (the Board) is established
as a policy board, within the meaning of §2.2-2100, in the executive branch of
state government. The Board shall have a total membership of 22 members that
shall consist of, including five legislative members, 14
nonlegislative citizen members, and three ex officio members. Members shall be
appointed as follows: three members of the House of Delegates to be appointed
by the Speaker of the House of Delegates in accordance with the principles of
proportional representation contained in the Rules of the House of Delegates;
two members of the Senate to be appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules; and
14 nonlegislative citizen members to be appointed by the Governor. The
Commissioner of the Department of Veterans Services, the Chairman of the Board
of Trustees of the Veterans Services Foundation, and the Chairman of the Joint
Leadership Council of Veterans Service Organizations, or their designees, shall
serve ex officio with full voting privileges. Nonlegislative citizen members of
the Board shall be citizens of the Commonwealth.
In making appointments, the Governor shall endeavor to ensure
a balanced geographical representation on the Board, while at the same
time selecting appointees of such qualifications and experience as will allow
them to provide expertise and insight into:
1. Best practices in benefits claims services, medical and
health care management, or cemetery operations;
2. Performance measurements and general management
principles; and
3. Nonprofit volunteer operations and management.
Each of the three areas of expertise shall be represented
on the Board by at least two different appointees per area of expertise in
order to allow for the Board to be capable of developing develop
reasonable and effective policy recommendations related to the services
provided to veterans of the armed forces Armed Forces of the
United States and their eligible spouses, orphans, and dependents by the
Department of Veterans Services.
Legislative members and the Commissioner of the Department of
Veterans Services shall serve terms coincident with their terms of office.
Nonlegislative citizen members shall be appointed for a term of four years.
Appointments to fill vacancies, other than by expiration of a term, shall be
for the unexpired terms. All members may be reappointed. However, no House
member shall serve more than four six consecutive two-year terms,
and no Senate member shall serve more than two three
consecutive four-year terms, and no. No nonlegislative citizen
member shall serve more than two consecutive four-year terms; however, a
nonlegislative citizen member appointed to serve an unexpired term is eligible
to serve two consecutive four-year terms immediately succeeding such unexpired
The remainder of any term to which a member is appointed to fill a vacancy shall not constitute a term in determining the member's eligibility for reappointment. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments.
B. The Board shall select a chairman and vice-chairman from
its membership and, pursuant to rules adopted by it, may elect one of its
members as vice-chairman. The Commissioner of the Department of Veterans
Services shall not be eligible to serve as chairman. The Board shall also
elect one of its members as secretary. The Board shall meet at least three
times a year at such times as it deems appropriate or on call of the chairman.
A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
C. The Board shall be organized with at least three
standing committees that shall be responsible for (i) veterans benefits, (ii)
veterans care services, and (iii) veterans cemeteries organize itself in
such a way as to allow it to fulfill its powers and duties.
D. The Department of Veterans Services shall provide staff to assist the Board in its administrative, planning, and procedural duties.