Offered January 8, 2014
Prefiled December 2, 2013
A BILL to amend the Code of Virginia by adding in Article 6 of Chapter 34 of Title 38.2 a section numbered 38.2-3454.1, relating to health plans; reasonable assurance of the provision of pediatric oral health benefits.
Patron-- Habeeb
Committee Referral Pending

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding in Article 6 of Chapter 34 of Title 38.2 a section numbered 38.2-3454.1 as follows:

§38.2-3454.1. Pediatric oral health benefits.

A health carrier that makes available in the small group market or individual market in the Commonwealth a health benefit plan that does not include the PPACA-required minimum essential pediatric oral health benefits for the coverage period for which the qualified health plan is offered shall be deemed to have obtained reasonable assurance that such pediatric oral health benefits are provided to the purchaser of the health benefit plan if:

1. At least one qualified dental plan, as defined in §38.2-3455, (i) offers the minimum essential pediatric oral health benefits that are required under the PPACA and (ii) is available for purchase by the small group or individual purchaser;

2. The health carrier prominently discloses, in a form approved by the Commission, at the time that it offers the health benefit plan that the plan does not provide the PPACA-required minimum essential pediatric oral health benefits; and

3. The entity that offers the qualified dental plan that includes the PPACA-required minimum essential pediatric oral health benefits is licensed to provide these benefits in the Commonwealth.