Offered January 8, 2014
Prefiled January 4, 2014
A BILL to authorize the issuance of special license plates for members and former members of the United States Navy.
Patron-- LeMunyon
Committee Referral Pending

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. §1. Special license plates for members and former members of the United States Navy.

On receipt of an application and written evidence that the applicant either (i) is on active duty with, has been honorably discharged after at least six months of active duty service in, or has retired from the United States Navy or (ii) is the surviving spouse of a person described in clause (i), the Commissioner, following the provisions of §46.2-725 of the Code of Virginia, shall issue to the applicant special license plates whose design incorporates an emblem of the United States Navy. No license plates provided for in this act shall be developed and issued by the Department until the Commissioner receives at least 450 prepaid applications therefor within two years of the effective date of the authorization associated with the applications. If the end of the two-year period falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, the two-year period shall end on the following business day.