An Act to amend and reenact § 15.2-4217 of the Code of Virginia, relating to incentives for inter-local service delivery.
[H 430]
Approved April 4, 2012


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1.  That § 15.2-4217 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted as follows:

§15.2-4217. Regional Cooperation Incentive Fund created; administration thereof.

A. There is hereby created a Regional Cooperation Incentive Fund for the purpose of encouraging inter-local strategic and functional area planning and other regional cooperative activities. In addition, the fund shall have the purpose of fostering inter-local service delivery consolidation or coordination where such consolidation or coordination will result in the more efficient use of local funds. The Fund shall be administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development. Fund availability is subject to the Appropriation Act.

B. From time to time the General Assembly and the Governor may designate specific functional areas or activities which are to be given highest priority for funding, including but not limited to economic development, criminal justice, solid waste management, water supply, emergency management and transportation.

C. Disbursements from the Regional Cooperation Incentive Fund shall be made on a matching grant basis to planning district commissions, or in the case of inter-local service delivery consolidation or coordination, to two or more cooperating localities. The Department of Housing and Community Development shall promulgate regulations for the administration of the funds, including application forms, eligibility requirements and terms and duration of grants. In establishing regulations, the following criteria shall be met:

1. The planning district commission or member localities must provide, at a minimum, a twenty-five 25 percent match to the grant, or in the case of inter-local service delivery consolidation or coordination, the Regional Cooperation Incentive Fund may provide up to 50 percent of the cost of implementation; and

2. Any project for which a grant is sought shall use private initiative and enterprise insofar as feasible, and emphasize coordination of available governmental and private financial and technical resources.

D. The Department of Housing and Community Development shall require periodic reports from grant recipients concerning progress of the project and the use of funds.