Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:
1. That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding in Article 2 of Chapter 2 of Title 2.2 a section numbered 2.2-203.2:5 as follows:
§2.2-203.2:5. Register of volunteer cybersecurity and information technology professionals.
A The Secretary of Administration shall establish a register of cybersecurity and information technology professionals located across the Commonwealth who are interested in volunteering to assist localities and school divisions in addressing information technology and cybersecurity challenges.
B. Registered volunteers may undertake initiatives to address cybersecurity and information technology challenges, including (i) mentoring local jurisdictions and school divisions on the use of technology, information technology, and cybersecurity best practices; (ii) working with technology education-related entities, including the Computer Science Teachers Association and the Virginia Society for Technology in Education, to create mentoring opportunities for Computer Science Honor Society and Technology Honor Society students interested in careers in technology or cybersecurity; and (iii) collaborating with Virginia's regional workforce development offices and the Department of Labor and Industry's Registered Apprenticeship program to develop potential pathways for student participants.
C. The Secretary of Administration shall ensure that information regarding the register is available on multiple Commonwealth of Virginia websites, including at a minimum the websites of the Department of Social Services and the Virginia Information Technologies Agency Innovation Program. Such websites shall allow individuals to sign up to volunteer as well as allow localities and school divisions to post their information technology and cybersecurity needs.