Offered January 11, 2012
Prefiled January 10, 2012
A BILL to authorize the issuance of special license plates bearing the legend IN REMEMBRANCE, APRIL 16, 2007.
Patrons-- LeMunyon, Albo, Cole, Comstock, Crockett-Stark, Head and Massie
Referred to Committee on Transportation

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1.  §1. Special license plates bearing the legend IN REMEMBRANCE, APRIL 16, 2007; fees.

A. On receipt of an application and payment of the fee prescribed by this section, and following the provisions of §46.2-725 of the Code of Virginia other than those relating to the fee for the plates and its disposition, the Commissioner of the Department of Motor Vehicles shall issue to the applicant special license plates bearing the legend IN REMEMBRANCE, APRIL 16, 2007.

B. The annual fee for plates issued pursuant to this section shall be $25 in addition to the prescribed fee for state license plates. For each such $25 fee collected in excess of 1,000 registrations pursuant to this section, $15 shall be paid into the state treasury and credited to a special nonreverting fund known as the VTV Family Outreach Foundation Fund established within the Department of Accounts. These funds shall be paid annually to the VTV Family Outreach Foundation and used to provide services, solace, and assistance to victims and their families impacted by campus tragedy. Such funds may also be used for programs to secure and make safe colleges and universities in the Commonwealth, including, but not limited to, research, antibullying programs, education, and programs to address at-risk youth and young adults. These funds may also be used to create a living legacy for all those who died on April 16, 2007, in Blacksburg, Virginia. All other fees imposed under the provisions of this section shall be paid to and received by the Commissioner of the Department of Motor Vehicles and paid by him into the state treasury and set aside as a special fund to be used to meet the necessary expenses incurred by the Department of Motor Vehicles.