Offered January 12, 2022
Prefiled January 11, 2022
A BILL to direct the Department of Energy and the Department of Environmental Quality to analyze the life cycle of renewable energy facilities; report.
Patron-- Hodges
Committee Referral Pending

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. §1. The Department of Energy, in consultation with the Department of Environmental Quality, shall analyze the life cycle of renewable energy facilities, including solar, wind, and battery storage components. The analysis shall assess the (i) feasibility, costs, recycling and salvage opportunities, waste strategies, and liability for the decommissioning of materials; (ii) potential impacts of underground infrastructure post-decommissioning; and (iii) potential impacts of the life cycle on farming, forestry, and sensitive wetlands. The Department of Energy, in consultation with the Department of Environmental Quality, shall report its findings to the Governor and the Chairs of the House Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources and the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources no later than December 1, 2022.