10100958D Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia: 1. That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding a section numbered 2.2-4303.1 as follows: §2.2-4303.1. Ineligibility of foreign business entities not authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth. A. In the solicitation or awarding of contracts, a public body shall neither accept a bid from nor award a contract to: 1. A foreign corporation, as defined in §13.1-603, unless the foreign corporation provides to the public body when submitting a bid and, if applicable, when executing any contract, including any amendment or renewal thereof, an attested copy of a valid certificate of authority to transact business in the Commonwealth issued to the foreign corporation by the State Corporation Commission pursuant to §13.1-759; 2. A foreign corporation, as defined in §13.1-803, unless the foreign corporation provides to the public body when submitting a bid and, if applicable, when executing any contract, including any amendment or renewal thereof, an attested copy of a valid certificate of authority to transact business in the Commonwealth issued to the foreign corporation by the State Corporation Commission pursuant to §13.1-921; 3. A foreign limited liability company, as defined in §13.1-1002, unless the foreign limited liability company provides to the public body when submitting a bid and, if applicable, when executing any contract, including any amendment or renewal thereof, an attested copy of a valid certificate of registration to transact business in the Commonwealth issued to the foreign limited liability company by the State Corporation Commission pursuant to §13.1-1052; 4. A foreign business trust, as defined in §13.1-1201, unless the foreign business trust provides to the public body when submitting a bid and, if applicable, when executing any contract, including any amendment or renewal thereof, an attested copy of a valid certificate of registration to transact business in the Commonwealth issued to the foreign business trust by the State Corporation Commission pursuant to §13.1-1242; 5. A foreign limited partnership, as defined in §50-73.1, unless the foreign limited partnership provides to the public body when submitting a bid and, if applicable, when executing any contract, including any amendment or renewal thereof, an attested copy of a valid certificate of registration to transact business in the Commonwealth issued by the State Corporation Commission to the foreign limited partnership pursuant to §50-73.54; or 6. A foreign registered limited liability partnership, as defined in §50-73.79, unless the foreign registered limited liability partnership provides to the public body when submitting a bid and, if applicable, when executing any contract, including any amendment or renewal thereof, an attested copy of a valid certificate of registration to transact business in the Commonwealth issued by the State Corporation Commission to the foreign registered limited liability partnership pursuant to §50-73.138. B. A determination by a public body that a business is ineligible to bid on, or enter into, a contract pursuant to the provisions of subsection A shall be subject to the requirements of § 2.2-4357. C. Any business described in subdivision A 1 through A 6 that enters into a contract with a public body pursuant to this chapter shall maintain, at all times during the term of the contract and for a period of five years following the completion of the term of the contract, a valid certificate of authority or registration, as applicable, to transact business in the Commonwealth. D. Any contract entered into with a business that fails to comply with any requirement of this section shall be voidable at the option of the public entity. |