Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:
1. That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding a section numbered 3.2-6537.1 as follows:
§3.2-6537.1. Cash bond for a pet shop obtaining certain dogs.
A. The governing body of any locality may, by ordinance, require any pet shop offering for sale dogs procured from outside of the Commonwealth to furnish a cash bond, cash equivalent bond, or acceptable letter of credit of not less than $5,000 for a pet shop maintaining for sale an average of 50 or fewer dogs per year and not more than $30,000 for a pet shop maintaining for sale an average of 51 or more dogs per year. A locality may reduce or waive such bond requirement at its discretion.
B. A locality may terminate the bond requirement for a pet shop if such pet shop has operated without interruption for 10 years and the locality has not, during that period, called in whole or in part the cash bond, cash equivalent bond, or acceptable letter of credit.
C. If a pet shop ceases business operations, the locality shall have the right to call any bond provided by the pet shop and utilize the resulting funds as reasonably necessary to protect the welfare of the animals or fish from the bonding pet shop.