Offered February 17, 2020
Commending Deirdre Lavery.
Patrons-- Filler-Corn and Watts; Senator: Marsden

WHEREAS, Deirdre Lavery, a longtime educator with Fairfax County Public Schools who most recently served as principal of Robert E. Lee High School in Springfield, retired in 2019; and

WHEREAS, Deirdre Lavery earned a bachelor's degree in special education from Marymount University and a master's degree in education from George Mason University, preparing her for a career educating and cultivating young minds; and

WHEREAS, beginning her career with Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) in 1987 as a special education teacher at Frost Middle School, Deirdre Lavery would eventually chair that school's special education department before assuming leadership positions at Groveton Elementary School and Twain Middle School; and

WHEREAS, serving as principal of Glasgow Middle School beginning in 2004, Deirdre Lavery would be named FCPS Principal of the Year in 2009, earning a Distinguished Educational Leadership Award from The Washington Post the same year; and

WHEREAS, in five years as principal of Robert E. Lee High School, Deirdre Lavery worked closely with her staff to make great strides toward improving the school's academic, arts, and athletic programs; and

WHEREAS, to serve the school's considerable ESOL-student population, Deirdre Lavery developed an effective collaboration with Edu-Futuro, a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering immigrant students and their families and fostering their success in and out of the classroom; and

WHEREAS, Deirdre Lavery also strengthened many of Robert E. Lee High School's partnerships, both with FCPS schools in its network and with local organizations such as Greenspring Senior Living Community, Apple Federal Credit Union, Genesys Works, and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, enhancing the education the school could provide and extending its impact in the community; and

WHEREAS, under Deirdre Lavery's leadership, Robert E. Lee High School and its staff earned many distinctions, including the 2018 National School Library Program of the Year Award from the American Association of School Librarians, a 2018 National Banner Unified Champion School recognition from Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools, and a 2019 Recognized ASCA Model Program designation from the American School Counselor Association; and

WHEREAS, through her tireless dedication, vibrant optimism, and resourceful creativity, Deirdre Lavery promoted a learning environment that allowed her students and staff to thrive; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the House of Delegates, the Senate concurring, That the General Assembly hereby commend Deirdre Lavery, celebrated educator with Fairfax County Public Schools and former principal of Robert E. Lee High School, on the occasion of her retirement; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to Deirdre Lavery as an expression of the General Assembly's profound admiration and respect for her efforts on behalf of Fairfax County and the Commonwealth.