Offered February 17, 2022
Commending the Dar Al Noor Islamic Community Center.
Patron-- Maldonado (By Request)

WHEREAS, the Dar Al Noor Islamic Community Center, part of the Muslim Association of Virginia, has made countless contributions to the residents of Manassas, Manassas Park, and Prince William County and enhanced the quality of life in the region through a wide variety of programs; and

WHEREAS, the Dar Al Noor Islamic Community Center strives to increase civic engagement among local residents while supporting the religious, social, and educational advancement of the Muslim community; and

WHEREAS, the Dar Al Noor Islamic Community Center is a founding member of Northern Virginia Food Rescue and conducts a biweekly food distribution that serves 200 local families every other Sunday; the center also served $15,000 in hot meals to Prince William County residents during Ramadan; and

WHEREAS, the Dar Al Noor Islamic Community Center has advocated for social justice initiatives, created an antiracism task force, and hosts an annual diversity block party; the center also conducted professional development for Prince William County teachers on culturally responsive education; and

WHEREAS, the Dar Al Noor Islamic Community Center has also supported young people through Scouting programs, completed a service project at a senior living facility, and provided hygiene products to people experiencing homelessness; and

WHEREAS, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Dar Al Noor Islamic Community Center created and delivered masks to first responders and worked with local health officials to host vaccination clinics and

WHEREAS, the Dar Al Noor Islamic Community Center also supported initiatives by the Muslim Association of Virginia to host seminars and town halls on COVID-19 vaccines to answer questions and alleviate concerns about vaccinations; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the House of Delegates, the Senate concurring, That the General Assembly hereby commend Dar Al Noor Islamic Community Center for its legacy of exceptional service to the community; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to the Dar Al Noor Islamic Community Center as an expression of the General Assembly's admiration for the center's contributions to local residents in need.