Celebrating the life of Frank Hundley Fulton.

Agreed to by the House of Delegates, February 24, 2012
Agreed to by the Senate, March 1, 2012

WHEREAS, Frank Hundley Fulton of Danville, a noted baseball player and coach, a loyal employee, a man of faith, and a devoted father and husband, died on October 24, 2011; and

WHEREAS, Frank Fulton graduated from George Washington High School in Danville; it was there, under the guidance of Coach Lefty Wilson, that he nurtured his outstanding athletic talents in football and baseball, playing on a state championship baseball team; and

WHEREAS, after attending Virginia Tech-Danville Extension, Frank Fulton joined the United States Navy; he was a ball-playing sailor as a member of an international softball team in Morocco during his active duty service; and

WHEREAS, upon his return home, Frank Fulton was employed by a concrete manufacturing company; he held his job with Danville Concrete/Marshall Concrete Products for his entire career; and

WHEREAS, baseball was Frank Fulton's passion; he was an active member of a men's fast-pitch softball league in Danville, played semi-professional baseball throughout Southside Virginia, and was general manager of the Danville Leafs/Danville Concrete; and

WHEREAS, as a teenager, Frank Fulton played on a local American Legion baseball team, which disbanded in later years; however, in 1973, Frank Fulton revived the American Legion program and spent 25 years developing the baseball talent of many local student-athletes; and

WHEREAS, Frank Fulton coached the young people of Danville in football, basketball, and his first love, baseball; he also was an associate baseball scout for the Cincinnati Reds, and some of the young athletes he mentored advanced to play professional baseball; and

WHEREAS, a man of strong faith, Frank Fulton was a member of Mount Vernon United Methodist Church; he also attended St. John's United Methodist Church and Sharon Baptist Church, where he enjoyed worship and fellowship; and

WHEREAS, Frank Fulton is remembered by his family for his unselfish nature; he is greatly missed by his wife, Mary; his children, Frank, William, and Charles, and their families; and by numerous family members, friends, and the athletes he coached; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the House of Delegates, the Senate concurring, That the General Assembly hereby note with great sadness the loss of a dedicated coach, mentor, husband, and father, Frank Hundley Fulton; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to the family of Frank Hundley Fulton as an expression of the General Assembly's respect for his memory and appreciation for his work with the young people of Danville.