Celebrating the life of Anne B. Pendleton.


Agreed to by the House of Delegates, February 11, 2019


WHEREAS, Anne B. Pendleton, a vibrant Fairfax County community member and entrepreneur, died on December 8, 2018; and

WHEREAS, Anne Pendleton moved to the Sleepy Hollow neighborhood with her husband, Elmer, a United States Army major general, and their son, Christian, in the late 1980s; to many in the neighborhood, she became known as the "general's wife," a term of both respect and endearment; and

WHEREAS, almost from the beginning, Anne Pendleton was active in the neighborhood and in the Sleepy Hollow Citizens' Association, serving on the executive board for many years, including terms as president; and

WHEREAS, Anne Pendleton held other positions in the association, and during the time she was responsible for membership, the association had its most successful years; it was said that she convinced even the FedEx driver to join; and

WHEREAS, Anne Pendleton wrote a regular column in the Sleepy Hollow Legend, the neighborhood newsletter, entitled "Eye on the Hollow" where she wrote about happenings in the neighborhood; for years she was the coordinator of the Neighborhood Watch; with a strong belief in community service, she was a leader for many years in handling the neighborhood's zoning disputes, and served as a representative to citizen's commissions; and

WHEREAS, Anne Pendleton was involved in beautification efforts in Sleepy Hollow and was the impetus for creating the fund that continues to support care of the triangle at Beechwood and Sleepy Ridge Roads; and

WHEREAS, Anne Pendleton was active in all the neighborhood social events and, with her do-it-now attitude, she organized the dinner-dance at Fort Myer, celebrating the neighborhood's 60th anniversary, hiring the hall, choosing the menu, hiring a band, and arranging for flowers all in the same day; she never missed a neighborhood picnic, nor did she fail to contribute her bowl of finely chopped onions for the hot dogs; and

WHEREAS, Anne Pendleton's organizational skills and attention to detail led her to develop a successful wedding planner business, serving prospective brides and their families in Northern Virginia; her love of weddings led her to become an official civil marriage celebrant in Fairfax County, officiating at numerous weddings in her home and other locations in the area; and

WHEREAS, predeceased by her first husband, Karl, and her second husband, Elmer, Anne Pendleton will be fondly remembered and greatly missed by her children, Allison, John, and Christian, and their families, and numerous other family members and friends; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the House of Delegates hereby note with great sadness the loss of Anne B. Pendleton, a vibrant Fairfax County community member; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to the family of Anne B. Pendleton as an expression of the House of Delegates' respect for her memory.