Commending Gerald T. Miller.


Agreed to by the House of Delegates, February 21, 2019

WHEREAS, Gerald T. Miller, legislative aide to Delegate Terry Kilgore, is retiring in 2019; and

WHEREAS, Gerald Miller has loyally served as the legislative aide for Delegate Kilgore since August 1998; and

WHEREAS, Gerald Miller has faithfully executed the duties of a legislative aide to the fullest capacity in his almost 21 years of service; and

WHEREAS, Gerald Miller has dutifully performed constituency services for the citizens of the 1st District of the Commonwealth of Virginia; and

WHEREAS, Gerald Miller has been generously distributing cookies and sweets from the Kilgore office since January 1999; and

WHEREAS, Gerald Miller will be returning to the "Boondocks" of Scott County, Virginia, where he will begin the next chapter of his life; and

WHEREAS, Gerald Miller, known affectionately by those close to him as "Big G," has been a tremendous asset to the Virginia House of Delegates and the entire General Assembly community and will be sincerely missed; and

WHEREAS, there will be significantly less dancing in Richmond upon Gerald Miller's retiring from the General Assembly; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the House of Delegates, That Gerald T. Miller hereby be commended on the occasion of his retirement in 2019; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to Gerald T. Miller as an expression of the House of Delegates' admiration for his service.