15102532D Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia: 1. That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding a section numbered 63.2-1704.1 as follows: §63.2-1704.1. Unlicensed, unregistered family day homes; notice to the Department; inspections. A. Every family day home that provides care for five or fewer children, exclusive of the provider's own children, that is not licensed or voluntarily registered with the Department shall, prior to beginning such operation and at such intervals thereafter as may be required by the Department, submit to the Commissioner a written declaration of intent to operate such family day home, which shall include a statement of the number of children for whom the family day home will provide care and such other information as the Commissioner may require. B. Family day homes required to submit a written declaration of intent pursuant to this section shall be subject to random monitoring by the Department. |