Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:
1. That §15.2-2114.01 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted as follows:
§15.2-2114.01. Local Stormwater Management Fund; grant moneys.
Any locality may by ordinance create a local Stormwater
Management Fund consisting of appropriated local moneys for the purpose of
granting funds to an owner of private property or a common interest community
for stormwater management and erosion prevention on previously developed lands.
Grants from such fund shall be used only for (i)
the construction, improvement, or repair of a stormwater management facility or for; (ii)
erosion and sediment control; or (iii)
measures that are part of a
comprehensive flood mitigation and protection plan adopted by the locality,
including floodproofing, flood protection products, and grading.