Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:
1. §1. That the State Corporation Commission (the Commission) shall require a Phase I Utility as defined in subdivision A 1 of § 56-585.1 of the Code of Virginia to submit a proposal to the Commission to conduct a pilot program, not to exceed 10 megawatts in the aggregate, in its certificated service territory to allow any school in a public school division in the Commonwealth that generates electricity from a wind-powered or solar-powered renewable energy generation facility located at the school in amounts that exceed the amount of electricity consumed by the school in a billing period, at the option of the school board, to either (i) credit such excess electricity to the metered accounts of one or more other schools in the same public school division, as directed by the school board, in a manner that reduces the amount of electricity for which the other school or schools are billed and provides the other school or schools with a credit against the amount billed to the other school or schools, which credit shall be at the same rate that the school or schools would otherwise be charged for such amount of electricity, without the assessment by the supplier of any service charges or fees in connection with or arising out of such crediting or (ii) receive payment for such excess electricity from the electric utility at the contractually negotiated rate. The duration of any pilot program approved by the Commission pursuant to this act shall be six years.
2. That the State Corporation Commission shall, by December 1, 2019, adopt such rules or establish such guidelines as may be necessary for its general administration of the pilot program established under this act.
3. That any electric utility participating in the pilot program established under this act shall report to the General Assembly by December 1 of each year the pilot program is in effect, commencing in 2021, regarding the status of the pilot program's enrollment and any other information that may be appropriate.