Offered January 11, 2012
Prefiled January 10, 2012
A BILL to amend and reenact §10.1-603.6 of the Code of Virginia, relating to the Department of Conservation and Recreation providing assistance to localities in regulating stormwater projects.
Patron-- Stuart
Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1.  That §10.1-603.6 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted as follows:

§10.1-603.6. Duties of the Department.

A. The Department shall provide technical assistance, training, research, and coordination in stormwater management technology to the local governments consistent with the purposes of this article.

B. The Department is authorized to review the permit application for any project with real or potential interjurisdictional impacts upon the request of one of the involved localities to determine that the plan is consistent with the provisions of this article. Any such review shall be completed and a report submitted to each locality involved within 90 days of such request being accepted.

C. Upon the request of a locality, the Department shall provide technical assistance and staff support to the locality in (i) determining a permittee's compliance with terms of the permit and (ii) conducting inspections of the regulated stormwater project.

D. The Department shall be responsible for the implementation of this article.