12100722D Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia: 1. That §60.2-512 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted as follows: §60.2-512. Requiring payroll and tax reports and payment of taxes. A. The Commission is hereby expressly authorized to require
the filing of payroll and tax reports, and the payment of the taxes required by
§60.2-511 in monthly, quarterly, semiannual or annual payments as shall be
determined by the Commission; however, if the due date for filing of reports or
payment of taxes falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, the due date
shall be extended to the next business day that is not a Saturday, Sunday or
legal holiday. Beginning January 1, 2009, employers may file payroll and tax
reports, and pay the taxes required by §60.2-511, annually, in the time, form
and manner prescribed by the Commission, if the employment that is the subject
of the report of taxes due under this chapter consists exclusively of domestic
service in a private home of the employer, as defined in §§31.3121 (a) (7)-1,
31.3306 (c) (2)-1, and 31.3401 (a) (3)-1 of the Employment Tax Regulations
promulgated pursuant to §§3121, 3306, and 3401 of the Internal Revenue Code,
as amended B. Beginning January 1, 1994, through December 31, 2008, employers who report 250 or more employees in any calendar quarter shall file quarterly reports on a magnetic medium using a format prescribed by the Commission. Beginning January 1, 2009, employers who report 100 or more employees in any calendar quarter in 2009, or thereafter, shall file quarterly reports on an electronic medium using a format prescribed by the Commission. Waivers will be granted only if the Commission finds this requirement creates an unreasonable burden on the employer. All requests for waiver must be submitted in writing. Beginning January 1, 2009, if any employer who reports 100 or more employees in any calendar quarter in 2009, or thereafter, and who has not obtained a waiver by the date the employer's quarterly report is due, fails, without good cause shown, to file electronically, the Commission shall assess upon the employer a penalty of $75, which penalty shall be in addition to the taxes due and payable with respect to such report and to any penalty assessed under subsection B of §60.2-513. Penalties collected pursuant to this section shall be paid into the Special Unemployment Compensation Administration Fund established pursuant to §60.2-314. C. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection A, no payroll and tax reports shall be filed with respect to an employee of a state or local agency performing intelligence or counterintelligence functions, if the head of such agency has determined that filing such a report could endanger the safety of the employee or compromise an ongoing investigation or intelligence mission. |