Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia: 1. That §8.01-15.2 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted as follows: §8.01-15.2. Servicemembers Civil Relief Act; default judgment; appointment of counsel. A. Notwithstanding the provisions of §8.01-428, in any civil
action or proceeding in which the defendant does not make an appearance, the
court shall not enter a judgment by default until the plaintiff files with the court
an affidavit (i) stating whether or not the defendant is in military service
and showing necessary facts to support the affidavit; or (ii) if the plaintiff
is unable to determine whether or not the defendant is in military service,
stating that the plaintiff is unable to determine whether or not the defendant
is in military service. Subject to the provisions of §8.01-3, the Supreme
Court shall prescribe the form of such affidavit, or the requirement for an
affidavit may be satisfied by a written statement, declaration, verification or
certificate, subscribed and certified or declared to be true under penalty of
perjury. Any judgment by default entered by any court in any civil action or
proceeding in violation of B. Where appointment of counsel is required pursuant to 50
U.S.C. C. The appointed counsel may issue a subpoena duces tecum for all discoverable electronic and print files, records, documents, and memoranda regarding the transactional basis for the suit. If requested in the subpoena, the plaintiff shall also deliver all documents or information concerning the location of the servicemember. D. Counsel appointed pursuant to the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act shall not be selected by the plaintiff or have any affiliation with the plaintiff. However, counsel for the plaintiff may provide a list of attorneys familiar with the provisions of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act upon the request of the court. |