Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:
1. That §§2.2-5205 and 2.2-5207 of the Code of Virginia are amended and reenacted as follows:
§2.2-5205. Community policy and management teams; membership; immunity from liability.
The community policy and management team to be appointed by
the local governing body shall include, at a minimum, at least one elected
official or appointed official or his designee from the governing body of a locality
that is a member of the team, and the local agency heads or their designees of
the following community agencies: community services board established pursuant
to §37.2-501, juvenile court services unit, department of health, department
of social services and the local school division. The team shall also include a
representative of a private organization or association of providers for
children's or family services if such organizations or associations are located
within the locality, and a parent representative. Parent
representatives who are employed by a public or private program that receives
funds pursuant to this chapter or agencies represented on a community policy
and management team may serve as a parent representative provided that
they do not, as a part of their employment, interact directly on a regular and
daily basis with children or supervise employees who interact directly on a
daily basis with children. Notwithstanding this provision, foster parents may
serve as parent representatives. Parent
representatives are caregivers with children with past experience with child
welfare, juvenile justice, special education, or behavioral health services.
Those persons appointed to represent community agencies shall be authorized to
make policy and funding decisions for their agencies.
The local governing body may appoint other members to the team including, but not limited to, a local government official, a local law-enforcement official and representatives of other public agencies.
When any combination of counties, cities or counties, and cities establishes a community policy and management team, the membership requirements previously set out shall be adhered to by the team as a whole.
Persons who serve on the team shall be immune from any civil liability for decisions made about the appropriate services for a family or the proper placement or treatment of a child who comes before the team, unless it is proven that such person acted with malicious intent. Any person serving on such team who does not represent a public agency shall file a statement of economic interests as set out in §2.2-3117 of the State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act (§2.2-3100 et seq.). Persons representing public agencies shall file such statements if required to do so pursuant to the State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act.
Persons serving on the team who are parent representatives or who represent private organizations or associations of providers for children's or family services shall abstain from decision-making involving individual cases or agencies in which they have either a personal interest, as defined in §2.2-3101 of the State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, or a fiduciary interest.
§2.2-5207. Family assessment and planning team; membership; immunity from liability.
Each community policy and management team shall establish and
appoint one or more family assessment and planning teams as the needs of the
community require. Each family assessment and planning team shall include
representatives of the following community agencies who have authority to
access services within their respective agencies: community services board
established pursuant to §37.2-501, juvenile court services unit, department of
social services, and local school division. Each family and planning team also
shall include a parent representative and may include a representative of the
department of health at the request of the chair of the local community policy
and management team. Parent representatives
who are employed by a public or private program that receives funds pursuant to
this chapter or agencies represented on a family assessment and planning team
may serve as a parent representative provided that they do not, as a part of
their employment, interact directly on a regular and daily basis with children
or supervise employees who interact directly on a
regular basis with children. Notwithstanding this provision, foster parents may
serve as parent representatives. Parent
representatives are caregivers with children with past experience with child
welfare, juvenile justice, special education, or behavioral health services.
The family assessment and planning team may include a representative of a
private organization or association of providers for children's or family
services and of other public agencies.
Persons who serve on a family assessment and planning team shall be immune from any civil liability for decisions made about the appropriate services for a family or the proper placement or treatment of a child who comes before the team, unless it is proven that such person acted with malicious intent. Any person serving on such team who does not represent a public agency shall file a statement of economic interests as set out in § 2.2-3117 of the State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act (§ 2.2-3100 et seq.). Persons representing public agencies shall file such statements if required to do so pursuant to the State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act.
Persons serving on the team who are parent representatives or who represent private organizations or associations of providers for children's or family services shall abstain from decision-making involving individual cases or agencies in which they have either a personal interest, as defined in §2.2-3101 of the State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, or a fiduciary interest.