Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:
1. That §3.11 of Chapter 640 of the Acts of Assembly of 2011 is amended and reenacted as follows:
§3.11. Noninterference in appointments or removals.
Neither the City Council nor any of its members shall direct
or request the appointment of any person to or the removal of any person from
any office or employment by the City Manager or by any of the Manager's
subordinates, or in any way take part in the appointment of or removal of
officers and employees of the city except as specifically provided in this
Charter. Except for the purpose of inquiry, the City Council and its members
shall deal with the administrative services of the city solely through the City
Manager. Neither the City Council nor any member thereof shall give orders
either publicly or privately to any subordinate of the City Manager. [ Any
Council Member violating the provisions of this section or voting for a motion,
resolution or ordinance in violation of this section shall be guilty of a class
three misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall forfeit office as a Council
Member. ] Any Council Member who violates this section, upon motion of
another member of the City Council and a majority vote of all members of the
City Council, shall be subject to public censure and a fine not to exceed $100.