An Act to amend and reenact §29.1-345 of the Code of Virginia, relating to placement of nonriparian stationary blinds.
[S 602]

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That §29.1-345 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted as follows:

§29.1-345. Stationary blinds in the public waters for nonriparian owners.

Unless a license has been obtained pursuant to §29.1-344, and a stake or a blind has been erected and marked within the time stated as specified in §29.1-344, in any year, the owners of riparian rights, their lessees or permittees shall forfeit the privilege of licensing blinds on their shores and also lose priority for licensing stationary blinds in the public waters adjoining such shores. Any locations remaining in the public waters shall belong to whoever first obtains a license and erects a stake or a blind. The blind cannot shall not be located in water having a greater depth than eight feet at mean high tide in a marked navigation channel on the site selected. In addition, the blind must be at least 500 yards from any other stationary blind, and the license for that season must be properly affixed to the structure. When licensing a stationary blind, the location of each blind licensed shall be provided as latitude and longitude coordinates.