An Act to amend and reenact §2.2-222.3 of the Code of
Virginia, relating to Secure Commonwealth Panel; membership; reporting.
[S 634]
Approved March 1, 2016
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:
1. That §2.2-222.3 of the Code of Virginia is amended and
reenacted as follows:
§2.2-222.3. Secure Commonwealth Panel; membership; duties;
compensation; staff.
A. The Secure Commonwealth Panel (the Panel) is established as
an advisory board, within the meaning of §2.2-2100, in the executive branch of
state government. The Panel shall consist of 33 34 members as
follows: three members of the House of Delegates and two nonlegislative
citizens to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates; three
members of the Senate of Virginia and two nonlegislative citizens to be
appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules; the Lieutenant Governor; the
Attorney General; the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court of Virginia; the
Secretaries of Commerce and Trade, Health and Human Resources, Technology,
Transportation, and Public Safety and Homeland Security, and Veterans
and Defense Affairs, or their designees; two local first responders; three
local government representatives; two physicians with knowledge of public
health; four members from the business or industry sector; and four citizens
from the Commonwealth at large. Except for appointments made by the Speaker of
the House of Delegates and the Senate Committee on Rules, all appointments
shall be made by the Governor. Additional ex officio members may be appointed
to the Panel by the Governor. Legislative members shall serve terms coincident
with their terms of office or until their successors shall qualify.
Nonlegislative citizen members shall serve for terms of four years. The
Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security shall be the chairman of the
B. The Panel shall monitor and assess the implementation of
statewide prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery initiatives and
where necessary review, evaluate, and make recommendations relating to the
emergency preparedness of government at all levels in the Commonwealth. The
Panel shall make quarterly annual reports to the Governor
concerning the state's emergency preparedness, response, recovery, and
prevention efforts.
C. Members of the Panel shall serve without compensation but
shall be reimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the
discharge of their duties as provided in §2.2-2825.
D. Staff support for the Panel and funding for the costs of
expenses of the members shall be provided by the Secretary of Public Safety and
Homeland Security.
E. The Secretary shall facilitate cabinet-level coordination
among the various agencies of state government related to emergency
preparedness and shall facilitate private sector preparedness and