(Proposed by the Senate Committee on Finance and Appropriations
on February 7, 2024)
(Patron Prior to Substitute--Senator Rouse)
A BILL to direct the Department of Fire Programs to convene a work group to identify and analyze options that may be available for local government employees who respond to emergencies that expose them to toxic materials.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. §1. That the Department of Fire Programs shall convene a work group to identify and analyze options that may be available to local government employees who respond to emergencies that expose them to toxic materials and have access to preemptive health care to aftereffects that are not covered by relevant health insurance plans. The work group shall consist of representatives from the Virginia Department of Fire Programs, the Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission, and the Department of Planning and Budget; a designee from each of the Virginia Fire Chiefs Association, the Virginia State Firefighters Association, and the Virginia State Police Association; and staff of the House Committee on Appropriations and the Senate Committee on Finance and Appropriations, and may include any other relevant stakeholders.

The work group shall review relevant approaches used in other states and at the federal level for assisting such responders and any nonprofit assistance provided for such purposes. The work group shall report its findings to the General Assembly by November 1, 2024.