Offered January 22, 2010
A BILL to amend and reenact § 23-38.103 of the Code of Virginia, relating to tuition at covered institutions of higher education.
Patron-- Norment
Referred to Committee on Education and Health

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1.  That § 23-38.103 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted as follows:

§ 23-38.103. Tuition, fees, rentals, and other charges; moneys.

A covered institution shall fix, revise from time to time, charge and collect tuition, rates, rentals, fees and other charges for the services, goods, or facilities furnished by or on behalf of such institution, and may adopt policies regarding any such service rendered or the use, occupancy, or operation of any such facility. Tuition may be either (i) a fixed amount to be charged to each in-state student and a separate fixed amount to be charged to each out-of-state student or (ii) a variable amount to be charged to each in-state student and a separate variable amount to be charged to each out-of-state student, based on the ability to pay of the person responsible for paying such student's tuition. If fixed tuition is charged, that fixed charge may vary within an institution according to the department or degree program in which the student is enrolled. If variable tuition is charged, that variable charge may vary within an institution according to the department or degree program in which a student is enrolled, and in determining the amount of the variable charge, the institution may consider factors that are the same as or similar to the factors it considers in awarding state-supported financial aid. In no case may the tuition charged to an in-state student exceed the per-student cost of educating a student at that institution, and in no fiscal year may the total tuition charged by an institution, when added to the general funds appropriated for the educational and general use of that institution, exceed the institution's total need for tuition and state-appropriated general funds for that fiscal year as calculated by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.