An Act to amend and reenact §2.2 of Chapter 323 of the Acts of Assembly of 2006, which provided a charter for the Town of Honaker in the County of Russell, relating to November elections and the mayoral term of office.
[S 75]
Approved April 6, 2014


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That §2.2 of Chapter 323 of the Acts of Assembly of 2006 is amended and reenacted as follows:

§2.2. Election, qualification, and term of office.

The mayor and six councilmen shall be elected by the qualified voters of the town on the first Tuesday in May 2006. The three members of council, each of whom has received more votes in such election than the other three members, shall serve as members of the council for terms of four years each. The remaining three members shall serve for terms of two years each. At the regular municipal election to be held on the first Tuesday in May 2008, and every two years thereafter, three councilmen shall be elected, each for a term of four years beginning on July 1 following their election. Each councilman elected as provided in this section shall serve for the term stated or until his successor has been elected and qualified. At the regular municipal election to be held on the first Tuesday in May 2006, and every two years thereafter, the qualified voters shall elect a mayor to serve for a term of two years or until his successor has been elected and qualified. The mayor and council in office on the effective date of this Charter shall continue in office until expiration of their terms and until their successors are elected and qualified. All town elections shall be held and conducted in the manner prescribed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. members of council in office on the effective date of this act shall serve until their successors have been elected and qualified. Municipal elections within the Town of Honaker shall take place on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each even-numbered year and shall coincide with the November general elections. At each such regular municipal election, three council members shall be elected for terms of four years each. Beginning with the regular municipal election in November 2014, the mayor shall be elected for a term of four years. The terms of office for the council members and mayor so elected shall commence on January 1 immediately following such election and shall continue until their successors have been elected and qualified. The council shall be a continuing body and no measure pending before such body shall abate or be discontinued by reason of expiration of the term or removal of any of its members.

2. That an emergency exists and this act is in force from its passage.