Celebrating the life of Walter Steven Davis, Sr.

Agreed to by the Senate, March 1, 2018
Agreed to by the House of Delegates, March 7, 2018

WHEREAS, Walter Steven Davis, Sr., passed away suddenly on February 11, 2018, after a devoted life centered around community service to his native Giles County; and

WHEREAS, Walter "Steve" Davis retired from the Virginia Department of Health on January 1, 2015, as the regional health emergency coordinator; he had previously served as the emergency planner for the Virginia Department of Health in the New River Health District from October 2002 to June 24, 2004; and

WHEREAS, Steve Davis was a retired fire chief and safety engineer for the Celanese Corporation's Celco Plant in the Town of Narrows and cofounded the regional hazardous materials team; and

WHEREAS, Steve Davis joined the Giles Life Saving Crew in May 1964 at the age of 15 and remained active in the organization throughout his life, serving the citizens of Giles County as the Life Saving Crew president, vice president, and rescue captain for more than 27 years; and

WHEREAS, Steve Davis obtained the Basic First Aid certification and also instructor's certification and, with others, taught the basic class to his squad and other local rescue squads in Giles County; and

WHEREAS, in 1974, Steve Davis became one of the first EMT-A's in Virginia, and in 1979, he became certified as one of the first paramedics as a member of the first class taught in the Commonwealth, a certification he maintained until his passing; and

WHEREAS, Steve Davis was honored by the Giles County Life Saving Crew, which named him as a life member of the organization; and

WHEREAS, Steve Davis became involved with the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads (VAVRS), serving as District 7 vice president, district training officer, chief rescue officer, course coordinator, instructor trainer, and chair of the Life Membership Committee; and

WHEREAS, Steve Davis held instructor certifications in vertical rescue, cave rescue, search and rescue, and other courses taught by the VAVRS; and

WHEREAS, Steve Davis was inducted into the Virginia Life Saving and Rescue Hall of Fame in recognition of his many accomplishments and years of service to his community and to the citizens of the Commonwealth; and

WHEREAS, education was a very important part of Steve Davis's life; he graduated from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University with a degree in biology and earned degrees from Bluefield College and the University of Western Kentucky and a bachelor's degree in fire protection and safety engineering from the University of Cincinnati; and

WHEREAS, Steve Davis will be fondly remembered and greatly missed by numerous family members and friends and his peers in the emergency medical services arena for his service and dedication to the community; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED by the Senate, the House of Delegates concurring, That the General Assembly hereby note with great sadness the loss of Walter Steven Davis, Sr., a dedicated servant to the residents of Giles County and a respected leader in the Commonwealth in the field of emergency medicine; and, be it

RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the Senate prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to the family of Walter Steven Davis, Sr., as an expression of the General Assembly's respect for his memory and his contributions to the community.