H. B. 2435
(By Delegates C. Miller, Sobonya, Sumner,
Rowan, Duke, Crosier, Shaver and Stowers)
[Introduced January 12, 2011; referred to the
Committee on Education then Finance.]
A BILL to amend and reenact §18-9D-2 of the Code of West Virginia,
1931, as amended, relating to allowing the School Building
Authority to designate money for the building of playgrounds.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That §18-9D-2 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended,
be amended and reenacted to read as follows:
§18-9D-2. Definitions.
For the purposes of this article, unless a different meaning
clearly appears from the context:
(1) "Authority" means the School Building Authority of West
(2) "Bonds" means bonds issued by the authority pursuant to
this article;
(3) "Construction project" means a project in the furtherance
of a facilities plan with a cost greater than §1 million for the new construction, expansion or major renovation of facilities,
buildings and structures for school purposes, including:
(A) The acquisition of land for current or future use in
connection with the construction project;
(B) New or substantial upgrading of existing equipment,
machinery and furnishings;
(C) Installation of utilities and other similar items related
to making the construction project operational.
(D) Construction project does not include such items as books,
computers or equipment used for instructional purposes; fuel;
supplies; routine utility services fees; routine maintenance costs;
ordinary course of business improvements; other items which are
customarily considered to result in a current or ordinary course of
business operating charge or a major improvement project;
(4) "Cost of project" means the cost of construction,
expansion, renovation, repair and safety upgrading of facilities,
buildings and structures for school purposes; the cost of land,
equipment, machinery, furnishings, installation of utilities and
other similar items related to making the project operational; and
the cost of financing, interest during construction, professional
service fees and all other charges or expenses necessary,
appurtenant or incidental to the foregoing, including the cost of
administration of this article;
(5) "Facilities plan" means the ten-year countywide comprehensive educational facilities plan established by a county
board in accordance with guidelines adopted by the authority to
meet the goals and objectives of this article that:
(A) Addresses the existing school facilities and facility
needs of the county to provide a thorough and efficient education
in accordance with the provisions of this code and policies of the
state board;
(B) Best serves the needs of individual students, the general
school population and the communities served by the facilities,
including, but not limited to, providing for a facility
infrastructure that avoids excessive school bus transportation
times for students consistent with sound educational policy and
within the budgetary constraints for staffing and operating the
schools of the county;
(C) Includes the school major improvement plan;
(D) Includes the county board's school access safety plan
required by section three, article nine-f of this chapter;
(E) Is updated annually to reflect projects completed, current
enrollment projections and new or continuing needs; and
(F) Is approved by the state board and the authority prior to
the distribution of state funds pursuant to this article to any
county board or other entity applying for funds;
(6) "Project" means a construction project or a major
improvement project, which shall include, but not be limited to, the construction, renovation and equipping of playgrounds and play
areas, if such playgrounds and play areas do not already exist;
(7) "Region" means the area encompassed within and serviced by
a regional educational service agency established pursuant to
section twenty-six, article two of this chapter;
(8) "Revenue" or "revenues" means moneys:
(A) Deposited in the School Building Capital Improvements Fund
pursuant to section ten, article nine-a of this chapter;
(B) Deposited in the School Construction Fund pursuant to
section thirty, article fifteen, chapter eleven of this code and
section eighteen, article twenty-two, chapter twenty-nine of this
(C) Deposited in the School Building Debt Service Fund
pursuant to section eighteen, article twenty-two, chapter twenty-
nine of this code;
(D) Deposited in the School Major Improvement Fund pursuant to
section thirty, article fifteen, chapter eleven of this code;
(E) Received, directly or indirectly, from any source for use
in any project completed pursuant to this article;
(F) Received by the authority for the purposes of this
article; and
(G) Deposited in the Excess Lottery School Building Debt
Services Fund pursuant to section eighteen-a, article twenty-two,
chapter twenty-nine of this code.
(9) "School major improvement plan" means a ten-year school
maintenance plan that:
(A) Is prepared by a county board in accordance with the
guidelines established by the authority and incorporated in its
Countywide Comprehensive Educational Facilities Plan, or is
prepared by the state board or the administrative council of an
area vocational educational center in accordance with the
guidelines if the entities seek funding from the authority for a
major improvement project;
(B) Addresses the regularly scheduled maintenance for all
school facilities of the county or under the jurisdiction of the
entity seeking funding;
(C) Includes a projected repair and replacement schedule for
all school facilities of the county or of entity seeking funding;
(D) Addresses the major improvement needs of each school
within the county or under the jurisdiction of the entity seeking
funding; and
(E) Is required prior to the distribution of state funds for
a major improvement project pursuant to this article to the county
board, state board or administrative council; and
(10) "School major improvement project" means a project with
a cost greater than $50,000 and less than $1 million for the
renovation, expansion, repair and safety upgrading of existing
school facilities, buildings and structures, including the substantial repair or upgrading of equipment, machinery, building
systems, utilities and other similar items related to the
renovation, repair or upgrading in the furtherance of a school
major improvement plan. A major improvement project does not
include such items as books, computers or equipment used for
instructional purposes; fuel; supplies; routine utility services
fees; routine maintenance costs; ordinary course of business
improvements; or other items which are customarily considered to
result in a current or ordinary course of business operating
NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to add language to allow
playgrounds to be funded as part of projects considered by the
School Building Authority.
Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from
the present law, and underscoring indicates new language that would
be added.