(By Delegates Dean and Evans)

[March 12, 2022]


Urging West Virginia’s Congressional Delegation to pass a law or otherwise direct the United States Army Corps of Engineers to transfer land surrounding the listed lakes to the State of West Virginia for purposes of recreational, residential, and commercial development.

Whereas, The lakes are: Beech Fork Lake, Bluestone Lake, East Lynn Lake, R.D. Bailey Lake, and Summersville Lake; and

Whereas, All of these lakes were constructed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers for their effort towards important flood control measures in West Virginia and in addition the lakes provide great recreational opportunities; and

Whereas, All of these lakes are located in the Southern Coalfield region of the state, which has seen dramatic economic decline in recent years; and

Whereas, Although the lakes themselves have provided great recreational activities, the property surrounding them, owned by the United States Army Corps of Engineers, has been underutilized; and

Whereas, Recreational, residential, and commercial development by the state in the areas surrounding these lakes can occur without hindering the lake and the flood control purpose the lakes serve; and

Whereas, Property surrounding the lakes not used for flood control or maintenance of the lake presents great economic development opportunities which could greatly benefit the surrounding towns and introduce new economic possibilities to the areas; and

Whereas, Transferring the unused property surrounding the lakes to the state would allow for the state to develop roads and other utilities in the areas surrounding the lakes; and

Whereas, Land use and management is of local concern and in addition transferring the land to the state can allow for new economic developments to be balanced with the nature and beauty of the areas; and

Whereas, Our state’s representatives from the United States House and United States Senate should come together and assist the state with this as it would have a significant positive impact on West Virginia; therefore, be it

Resolved by the Legislature of West Virginia:

That the West Virginia Legislature urges the Congressional Delegation to pass a law or otherwise direct the United States Army Corps of Engineers to transfer land surrounding the listed lakes to the state for purposes of recreational and commercial development; and, be it

Further Resolved, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates forward a copy of this resolution to the members of West Virginia’s Congressional Delegation.