(By Delegates Ashley, Anderson, Williams, Evans, Canterbury, Hamilton, Pethtel, Householder, Butler, Espinosa, Moye, Westfall, Frich, Bates, Storch, H.K. White, Gearheart and Miller)
(Originating in the Committee on Finance)
[March 11, 2015]
Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to study the collection, distribution and use of telecommunications fee revenues in support of emergency communications centers, the State Interoperable Radio Network, State Police communications and the Wireless Tower Access Assistance program and ways to maximize efficiencies and better provide for public needs.
Whereas, The Legislature has provided for county commissions to impose certain fees upon the consumers of local exchange and voice over internet protocol telecommunications services; and
Whereas, The Legislature has required all commercial mobile radio service providers to collect a wireless enhanced 911 fee; and
Whereas, These fees were established in recognition of public needs without the benefit of sophisticated cost modeling or cost formula development, the study of comparable systems in other states, and the exploration of options for streamlining services and improving efficiencies; and
Whereas, The Legislature’s prior efforts to provide valuable incentives for the consolidation of E911 centers have yielded little benefit; and
Whereas, Consumer preferences for telecommunication services, the fee revenues, and the needs of the programs funded by these fees have all evolved significantly since the inception of these fees; and
Whereas, Anecdotal accounts of largess and inadequacy are common among these stakeholder groups; and
Whereas, A governance structure and equipment specifications for the West Virginia State Interoperable Radio Network have yet to be codified and resources must be identified to provide for the maintenance of this critical network; and
Whereas, The government is accountable to the people for the imposition and use of these fee revenues and the people deserve the Legislature’s zealous and perpetual efforts to excel; therefore, be it
Resolved by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance is requested to study the collection, distribution and use of telecommunications fee revenues in support of emergency communications centers, the State Interoperable Radio Network, State Police communications and the Wireless Tower Access Assistance program and ways to maximize efficiencies and provide for public needs; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Joint Committee on Government and Finance report to the Legislature, on the first day of the regular session, 2016, on its findings, conclusions and recommendations together with drafts of any legislation to effectuate its recommendations; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the expenses necessary to conduct this study, to prepare a report, and to draft necessary legislation be paid from legislative appropriations to the Joint Committee on Government and Finance.