(By Delegates Sypolt, Williams, Walker, Pyles and Jennings)
[Introduced March 2, 2020]
Urging Congress to allow vehicles traveling on interstate highways in West Virginia to have the same maximum gross vehicle weight and axle configuration as currently permissible for vehicles traveling on U.S. routes in West Virginia.
Whereas, Federal law currently imposes a maximum gross vehicle weight of 80,000 pounds on interstate highways, without any tolerance, and with axle weight restrictions and the bridge formula often reducing such maximum weight; and
Whereas, West Virginia also has an 80,000-pound maximum gross vehicle weight limit, but permits a 10-percent tolerance, raising the permissible maximum weight to 88,000 pounds; and
Whereas, Vehicles transporting commodities through West Virginia often reach our state on interstate highways, but leave the interstate highways system and switch to West Virginia’s local roads, taking advantage of the higher weight limit on such routes; and
Whereas, Such practice increases traffic on West Virginia’s mountainous country roads, raises safety concerns, and limits economic avenues; and
Whereas, Interstates could safely support the same weight restrictions as those on U.S. routes in West Virginia given that the design standards used for both systems are identical and the weight increase would be minimal; and
Whereas, The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, is poised to address any questions Congress or the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, may have to demonstrate the feasibility of this request; and
Whereas, Providing an exception to the existing weight limits and restrictions in Title 23 of the United States Code, including the bridge formula, for vehicles operating on interstate highways in West Virginia will allow more vehicles to travel the safer interstate highways and expand economic access throughout West Virginia; and
Whereas, Congress has previously provided exceptions to the maximum gross vehicle weight on interstate highways for several states of the United States; therefore, be it
Resolved by the House of Delegates:
That Congress is urged to allow vehicles traveling on interstate highways in West Virginia to have the same maximum gross vehicle weight and axle configuration as currently permissible for vehicles traveling on U.S. routes in West Virginia; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates forward a copy of this resolution to the President and Secretary of the United States Senate, to the Speaker and Clerk of the United States House of Representatives, and to the members of West Virginia’s congressional delegation.