(By Delegates Hott, Nestor, Jennings, Honaker, Forsht, Sypolt, Burkhammer, Thompson, Martin, Rowan, and D. Kelly)

[January 19, 2022]


Urging the United States Congress to increase sustainable forest harvesting on public lands in the State of West Virginia and more specifically, the Monongahela National Forest.

Whereas, West Virginia’s forest products industry has demonstrated a tremendous economic benefit of at least $3.4 billion to West Virginia and supports 19,200 jobs; and

Whereas, West Virginia has an unparalleled opportunity to replace lost jobs with new employment supporting the forest products industry; and

Whereas, Increased harvesting in the national forests will bring economic benefits to the state and to the national budget, as well as, a reduction in the potential for devastating wildfires through proper forest management and harvesting practices; and

Whereas, Revenues from national forest sales are by law shared with local schools and roads, thus improving our educational system and infrastructure: and

Whereas, Timber harvesting in the past 10 years has averaged less than 25% of allowable sale quantity thus denying local, state and federal revenues for education and roads: and

Whereas, Through the Good Neighbor Authority, timber harvesting can provide federal revenues to West Virginia agencies to assist in this management: and

Whereas, The public benefits of maintaining and expanding West Virginia’s economy, of improving wildlife habitat, and of maintaining a vital forest products industry, provide powerful reasons to restore well managed public lands in this state; therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Delegates:

That the West Virginia House of Delegates urges state and federal legislators and regulators to adopt laws, regulations, and policies that increase sustainable forest harvesting on national forest lands in the State of West Virginia; and, be it

Further Resolved, That the Clerk of the House of Delegates forward a copy of this resolution to the President of the United States Senate, to the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, and to the members of West Virginia’s Congressional Delegation.