Senate Bill 141
By Senator Weld
[Introduced January 12, 2022]
A BILL to amend and reenact §29-22A-10b of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, relating to modifying the requirement that a racetrack must have participated in the West Virginia Thoroughbred Development Fund since January 1, 1999, or before in order for counties to receive two percent of the net terminal income where the video lottery terminals are located.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:
§29-22A-10b. Distribution of excess net terminal income.
(a) For all years beginning on or after July 1, 2001, any amount of net terminal income generated annually by a licensed racetrack in excess of the amount of net terminal income generated by that licensed racetrack during the fiscal year ending on June 30, 2001, shall be divided as follows:
(1) The Commission shall receive 41 percent of net terminal income, which the Commission shall deposit in the state Excess Lottery Revenue Fund created in §29-22-18a of this code;
(2) Until July 1, 2005, eight percent of net terminal income at a licensed racetrack shall be deposited in the special fund established by the licensee and used for payment of regular purses in addition to other amounts provided in §19-23-1 et seq. of this code; on and after July 1, 2005, the rate shall be four percent of net terminal income;
(3) The county where the video lottery terminals are located shall receive two percent of the net terminal income Provided, That:
(A) Any amount by which the
total amount under this section and §29-22A-10(c)(3) of this code is in excess
of the two percent received during fiscal year 1999 by a county in which a
racetrack that offers thoroughbred horse racing is located that has
participated in the West Virginia thoroughbred development fund since on or
before January 1, 1999 shall be divided as follows:
(i) The county shall receive 50 percent of the excess amount; and
(ii) The municipalities of the county shall receive 50 percent of the excess amount, the 50 percent to be divided among the municipalities on a per capita basis as determined by the most recent decennial United States census of population; and
(B) Any amount by which the
total amount under this section and §29-22A-10(c)(3) of this code is in excess
of the two percent received during fiscal year 1999 by a county in which a
racetrack other than a racetrack described in paragraph (A) of this proviso
subdivision is located and where the racetrack has been located in a
municipality within the county since on or before January 1, 1999 or
before, shall be divided, if applicable, as follows:
(i) The county shall receive 50 percent of the excess amount; and
(ii) The municipality shall receive 50 percent of the excess amount; and
(C) This proviso shall not
affect the amount to be received under this subdivision by any county other
than a county described in paragraph (A) or (B) of this proviso subdivision;
(4) One half of one percent of net terminal income shall be paid for and on behalf of all employees of the licensed racing association by making a deposit into a special fund to be established by the Racing Commission to be used for payment into the pension plan for all employees of the licensed racing association;
(5) The West Virginia Thoroughbred Development Fund created under §19-23-13b of this code and the West Virginia greyhound breeding development fund created under §19-23-10 of this code shall receive an equal share of a total of not less than one and one-half percent of the net terminal income.
(6) The West Virginia Racing Commission shall receive one percent of the net terminal income which shall be deposited and used as provided in §19-23-13c of this code;
(7) A licensee shall receive 42 percent of net terminal income;
(8) The tourism promotion
fund established in section twelve, article two, chapter five-b §5B-2I-6
of this code shall receive three percent of the net terminal income: Provided,
That for each fiscal year beginning after June 30, 2004, this three percent of
net terminal income shall be distributed pursuant to the provisions of §29-22A-10(c)(8)(B)
of this code;
(9) (A) On and after July
1, 2005, four percent of net terminal income shall be deposited into the
Workers' Compensation Debt Reduction Fund created in §23-2D-5 of this code: Provided,
That in any fiscal year when the amount of money generated by this subdivision
together with the total allocation transferred by the operation of §29-22A-10(c)(9)
of this code totals $11,000,000, all subsequent distributions under this
subdivision (9) during that fiscal year shall be deposited in the
special fund established by the licensee and used for payment of regular purses
in addition to other amounts provided in §19-23-1 et seq. of this code;
(B) The deposit of the four
percent of net terminal income into the Worker's Workers’ Compensation
Debt Reduction Fund pursuant to this subdivision shall expire and not be
imposed with respect to these funds, which shall be deposited in the special
fund established by the licensee and used for payment of regular purses in
addition to the other amounts provided in §19-23-1 et seq. of this code
on and after the first day of the month following the month in which the
Governor certifies to the Legislature that: (i) The revenue bonds issued
pursuant to §23-2D-1 et seq. of this code have been retired or payment
of the debt service is provided for; and (ii) that an independent certified
actuary has determined that the unfunded liability of the Old Fund, as defined
in Chapter 23 of this code, has been paid or provided in its entirety; and
(10) (A) One percent of the
net terminal income shall be deposited in equal amounts in the capitol dome and
improvements fund created under §5A-4-2 of this code and cultural facilities
and capitol Capital Resources Matching Grant Program Fund created
under §29-1-3 of this code; and
(B) Notwithstanding any
provision of paragraph (A) of this subdivision to the contrary, for each fiscal
year beginning after June 30, 2004, this one percent of net terminal income
shall be distributed pursuant to the provisions of of §29-22A-10(c)(9)(B)(ii)
of this code.
(b) The Commission may establish orderly and effective procedures for the collection and distribution of funds under this section in accordance with the provisions of this section and §29-22A-10 of this code.
NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to remove the requirement that a racetrack must have participated in the West Virginia Thoroughbred Development Fund since January 1, 1999, or before in order for counties to receive two percent of the net terminal income where the video lottery terminals are located.
Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from a heading or the present law, and underscoring indicates new language that would be added.