WEST virginia legislature

2019 regular session


Senate Bill 354

By Senators Blair, Boley, Maroney, Roberts, Swope, Sypolt, Tarr, Facemire, Ihlenfeld, Palumbo, Prezioso, and Unger

[Originating in the Committee on Finance; Reported on January 18, 2019]

A BILL expiring funds to the balance of the Auditor’s Office – Chief Inspector’s Fund, fund 1235, fiscal year 2019, organization 1200, in the amount of $1,500,000, from the Auditor’s Office – Securities Regulation Fund, fund 1225, fiscal year 2019, organization 1200, by supplementing and amending chapter one, Acts of the Legislature, 2018, known as the Budget Bill.

 WHEREAS, The Legislature finds that the account balance in the Auditor’s Office – Securities Regulation Fund, fund 1225, fiscal year 2019, organization 1200 exceeds that which is necessary for the purpose for which the account was established; therefore

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

That the balance of funds available for expenditure in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019, to the Auditor’s Office – Securities Regulation Fund, fund 1225, fiscal year 2019, organization 1200, be decreased by expiring the amount of $1,500,000 to the Auditor’s Office – Chief Inspector’s Fund, fund 1235, fiscal year 2019, organization 1200.

And, that the total appropriation for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019, to fund 1235, fiscal year 2019, organization 1200, be supplemented and amended by increasing an existing item of apportion as follows:

Title II – Appropriations.

Sec. 3. Appropriations from other funds.


123– Auditor’s Office

Chief Inspector’s Fund

 (WV Code Chapter 6)

Fund 1235 FY 2019 Org 1200

                                                                                                            Appro-                         Other

                                                                                                           priation                        Funds


1   Personal Services and Employee Benefits...........................        00100           $                1,500,000



NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to make a supplementary appropriation to the West Virginia State Auditor’s Office .

Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from a heading or the present law and underscoring indicates new language that would be added.