FISCAL NOTEWEST virginia legislature

2020 regular session


Senate Bill 506

By Senator Maynard

[Introduced January 16, 2020; referred
to the Committee on Economic Development; and then to the Committee on Finance

A BILL to amend the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, by adding thereto a new article, designated §5B-2J-1, §5B-2J-2, and §5B-2J-3, all relating to creating the Office of Outdoor Recreation; requiring the Secretary of the Department of Commerce to appoint an administrator of the office; establishing the office’s purposes and responsibilities; permitting the appointment of staff; requiring the administrator to appoint an advisory board; and establishing the responsibilities of the advisory board.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

ARTICLE 2J. Office of Outdoor Recreation.

§5B-2J-1. Office of Outdoor Recreation.

(a) There is created within the Department of Commerce the Office of Outdoor Recreation.

(b) The secretary shall appoint an Administrator of the Office of Outdoor Recreation.

(c) The administrator shall report to the secretary and may appoint staff.

(d) The purposes of the office are to:

(1) Coordinate outdoor recreation policy, management, and promotion among state and federal agencies and local government entities in the state;

(2) Recommend to the secretary policies and initiatives to enhance recreational amenities and experiences in the state and help implement those policies and initiatives;

(3) Develop data regarding the impacts of outdoor recreation in the state;

(4) Promote the health and social benefits of outdoor recreation, especially to young people;

(5) Advocate on behalf of the state for federal funding;

(6) Engage in federal, state and local land use and management planning processes to advocate from a statewide perspective for conservation of lands for a variety of outdoor recreation uses;

(7) Develop a statewide list of priority lands to be conserved and enhanced for outdoor recreation; and

(8) Promote economic development by:

(A) Coordinating with outdoor recreation stakeholders;

(B) Improving recreational opportunities; and

(C) Recruiting outdoor recreation businesses.

§5B-2J-2. Administrator and office responsibilities.

(a) The administrator shall:

(1) Assure that the purposes outlined in §5B-2J-1 of this code are fulfilled; and

(2) Organize and provide administrative oversight to the office staff.

(b) The office may:

(1) Seek federal grants or loans;

(2) Seek to participate in federal programs; and

(3) In accordance with applicable federal program guidelines, administer federally funded outdoor recreation programs.

§5B-2J-3. Appointment of advisory board.

The administrator shall appoint an advisory board to provide guidance to the administrator in carrying out the priorities of §5B-2J-1 of this code. The board shall consist of the following members to serve staggered three-year terms:

(1) One member to represent hunting, and fishing interests;

(2) One member to represent hiking, running, and bicycling interests;

(3) One member to represent winter sports interests;

(4) One member to represent motorized recreation interests;

(5) One member to represent outdoor businesses that depend upon public lands;

(6) One member to represent local governments;

(7) One member to represent lodging interests;

(8) One member to represent conservation interests; and

(9) One member to represent real estate development interests.


NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to create the Office of Outdoor Recreation. The bill requires the Secretary the Department of Commerce to appoint an administrator of the office. The bill establishes the office’s purposes and responsibilities. The bill permits the appointment of staff. The bill requires the administrator to appoint an advisory board. The bill establishes the responsibilities of the advisory board.

Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from a heading or the present law and underscoring indicates new language that would be added.