Senate Bill No. 63

(By Senators Stollings and Kirkendoll)


[Introduced January 14, 2015; referred to the Committee on the Judiciary; and then to the Committee on Finance.]





A BILL to amend and reenact §29-26-2 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, relating to modifying funding assistance from Courthouse Facilities Improvement Authority; and changing definition of facilities that are eligible for funding assistance from courthouse facilities that are occupied by county or judicial officials to ones that are currently owned and occupied by those officials or upon renovation will be owned and occupied by those officials.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

            That §29-26-2 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, be amended and reenacted to read as follows:


§29-26-2. Definitions.

            The following terms, wherever used or referred to in this article, have the following meaning:

            (a) “Approved modifications or construction of courthouse facilities” means any modification or construction of a courthouse facility which has been recommended for assistance by the authority according to the requirements of section four of this article;

            (b) “Authority” means the West Virginia Courthouse Facilities Improvement Authority;

            (c) “Cost” means the cost of construction, renovation, repair and safety upgrading of courthouse facilities; the cost of land, equipment, machinery, furnishings, installation of utilities and other similar items convenient in connection with placing a courthouse facility in operation; and the cost of financing, interest during construction, professional service fees and all other charges or expenses necessary, appurtenant or incidental to the modification or construction of a courthouse facility; and

            (d) “Courthouse facility” means buildings or structures which are currently owned and occupied, or upon renovation will be owned and occupied, exclusively by offices of county and judicial officials or by courtrooms, county jails or detention centers.

            NOTE: The purpose of this bill is to modify funding assistance from the Courthouse Facilities Improvement Authority. The bill changes the definition of facilities that are eligible for funding assistance from courthouse facilities that are occupied by county or judicial officials to ones that are currently owned and occupied by those officials or upon renovation will be owned and occupied by those officials.

            Strike-throughs indicate language that would be stricken from the present law, and underscoring indicates new language that would be added.