Maryland Subject | Insurance Administration | Senate | Passed

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MDSB614PassRequiring the Maryland Medical Assistance Program and certain insurers, nonprofit health service plans, and health maintenance organizations to provide certain coverage related to prostheses beginning January 1, 2025; establishing that certain insure...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 823
MDSB705PassRequiring the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange to establish and implement the Qualified Resident Enrollment Program to facilitate the enrollment of qualified residents in qualified plans; providing that the operation and administration of the Program...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 841
MDSB694PassRequiring the Maryland Department of Health to contract with an independent consultant to conduct a certain study of the Health Services Cost Review Commission, the Maryland Health Care Commission, the Maryland Insurance Administration, and the Maryl...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 794
MDSB791PassAltering and establishing requirements and prohibitions related to health insurance utilization review; altering requirements related to internal grievance procedures and adverse decision procedures; altering certain reporting requirements on health ...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 848
MDSB821PassRequiring the Maryland Insurance Administration to study professional employer organizations in the State to review certain regulations, history, health plans, requirements, and regulatory structures in other states and to address any potential impac...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 797
MDSB230PassRequiring the Maryland Insurance Commissioner to allow corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, and sole proprietorships that are small employers to be represented by certain authorized individuals rather than an attorney in certain h...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 828
MDSB413PassProhibiting discrimination based on military status with regard to housing and employment.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 323
MDSB684PassAltering certain reporting requirements on health insurance carriers relating to compliance with the federal Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act; altering requirements for certain analyses of nonquantitative treatment limitations required o...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 233
MDSB1103PassAltering the required contents of the written notice regarding outpatient facility fees; requiring the Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission, in consultation with certain entities, to study and make recommendations regarding hospital outpat...
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 142
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