Hawaii Subject | Feral Chickens | Senate

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HISB2401PassRequires the Department of Agriculture to work with each county to implement feral chicken control programs and feeding of feral animals education campaign. Requires each county to match the funds expended by the Department of Agriculture for the imp...
Act 185, 07/03/2024 (Gov. Msg. No. 1286).

Sine Die
Establishes a 5-year pilot program within the Department of Health to eradicate feral chickens in the State. Requires the Department of Agriculture to submit a special local need registration to the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Make...
To Senate Agriculture and Environment Committee

Sine Die
Appropriates funds for the Department of Health to control the State's feral chicken population. Requires the establishment of a complaint hotline that may be used to report nuisances and health hazards caused by the presence of feral chickens and to...
To Senate Agriculture and Environment Committee
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