Alaska Legislature | 2025-2026 | 34th Legislature

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Active Alaska Bills (Introduced, Engrossed, Enrolled, Passed)

HB69An Act relating to education funding; and providing for an effective date.2025-02-21
HB20An Act relating to fees for paper documents; and relating to unfair trade practices.2025-02-21
HB21An Act relating to voter preregistration for minors at least 16 years of age; and relating to confidentiality of voter registration and preregistration records of minors at least 16 years of age.2025-02-21
HB96An Act establishing the Home Care Employment Standards Advisory Board; relating to payment for personal care services; and providing for an effective date.2025-02-21
HB10An Act relating to the Board of Regents of the University of Alaska.2025-02-21
HB110An Act relating to a social work licensure compact; relating to the practice of social work; and providing for an effective date.2025-02-21
HB111An Act relating to finfish farms and finfish farm products; and providing for an effective date.2025-02-21
HB112An Act making a special appropriation to the Department of Education and Early Development for public education that appropriates the same base student allocation equivalent funding appropriated for fiscal year 2025; and providing for an effective da...2025-02-21
HJR10Const Am: Permanent Fund; Pomv;earnings2025-02-21
SB79An Act relating to wage payments.2025-02-20

Top Alaska Sponsors

House Sponsors# BillsRSS
House Rules24Syndicate content
Rep. William Fields [D]17Syndicate content
Rep. George Rauscher [R]16Syndicate content
Rep. Dan Saddler [R]15Syndicate content
Rep. Jubilee Underwood [R]10Syndicate content
Senate Sponsors# BillsRSS
Sen. Elvi Gray-Jackson [D]29Syndicate content
Senate Rules24Syndicate content
Sen. Matt Claman [D]19Syndicate content
Sen. Forrest Dunbar [D]17Syndicate content
Sen. Loki Tobin [D]14Syndicate content

Top Alaska Committees

House Committees# BillsRSS
State Affairs28Syndicate content
Finance14Syndicate content
Labor & Commerce14Syndicate content
Education13Syndicate content
Health & Social Services11Syndicate content
Senate Committees# BillsRSS
State Affairs25Syndicate content
Finance18Syndicate content
Labor & Commerce18Syndicate content
Education15Syndicate content
Judiciary10Syndicate content

Most Viewed Alaska Bills

HB69An Act relating to education funding; and providing for an effective date.Bill Text
HB6An Act restricting fiduciary actions by a fiduciary of a state fund, the Alaska Retirement Management Board, and the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation Board that have the purpose of furthering social, political, or ideological interests.Bill Text
SB85An Act relating to unauthorized publication and use of communications; and relating to eavesdropping.Bill Text
SB2An Act relating to disclosure of election-related deepfakes; relating to use of artificial intelligence by state agencies; and relating to transfer of data about individuals between state agencies.Bill Text
HB40An Act relating to school athletics, recreation, athletic teams, and sports.Bill Text
SJR1Const. Am: Abortion/fundingBill Text
SB28An Act relating to the Public Employees' Retirement System of Alaska and the teachers' retirement system; providing certain employees an opportunity to choose between the defined benefit and defined contribution plans of the Public Employees&...Bill Text
HB12An Act relating to free breakfast and lunch in public schools.Bill Text
HB46An Act relating to minors; and relating to the distribution and use of electronic applications.Bill Text
SB15An Act relating to the sale of alcohol; relating to the posting of warning signs for alcoholic beverages; and providing for an effective date.Bill Text

Most Monitored Alaska Bills

SB2An Act relating to disclosure of election-related deepfakes; relating to use of artificial intelligence by state agencies; and relating to transfer of data about individuals between state agencies.Bill Text
HB18An Act relating to the transfer of a title on the death of the owner; and providing for an effective date.Bill Text
HB12An Act relating to free breakfast and lunch in public schools.Bill Text
HB71An Act relating to obstruction; and providing for an effective date.Bill Text
SB4An Act relating to a health care insurance policy incentive program; relating to health care services; and providing for an effective date.Bill Text
SB10An Act relating to family leave wage replacement coverage.Bill Text
HB60An Act relating to municipal and state procurement preferences for agricultural products harvested in the state and fisheries products harvested or processed in the state; and providing for an effective date.Bill Text
SB46An Act relating to education funding; relating to the public education fund; relating to the base student allocation; and providing for an effective date.Bill Text
HB9An Act relating to education; relating to funding for charter schools; and relating to services for children with disabilities.Bill Text
SB64An Act relating to elections; relating to voters; relating to voting; relating to voter preregistration for minors at least 16 years of age; relating to voter registration; relating to the Alaska Public Offices Commission; relating to synthetic media...Bill Text

Alaska Sessions

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2023-202433rd Legislature791126BrowseSearchDownload
2021-202232nd Legislature827159BrowseSearchDownload
2019-202031st Legislature674104BrowseSearchDownload
2017-201830th Legislature783141BrowseSearchDownload
2015-201629th Legislature752177BrowseSearchDownload
2013-201428th Legislature746218BrowseSearchDownload
2011-201227th Legislature751173BrowseSearchDownload
2009-201026th Legislature911270BrowseSearchDownload