LegiScan Price List
Beyond the free public service offerings of the LegiScan GAITS tracking platform and LegiScan API data service, LegiScan provides expanded subscription options for both product lines.
Service fees are annual and based on the number of covered states, where Congress is a single 'state' for this purpose. Because of varying session schedules service fees are not prorated, instead new subscriptions started in January–May will expire on January 1, 2026 and those started in June–December will expire on January 1, 2027 at the same annual cost. Additional multi-year term discounts available for GAITS along with optional installment payments for any subscription over $500 in value.
Qualifying 501(c) nonprofits may receive GAITS Pro service at the OneVote+ price, or multistate OneVote+ services at half list price. (Apply Here)
Download: LegiScan_Price_List.pdf