HB411 | Intro
Sine Die | Competitive bids, counties and municipalities, personal property, local preference zones, percent over low bid increased to award to resident bidder, Sec. 41-16-50 am'd [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
HB610 | Intro
Sine Die | Harassment, crime of, expungement of record of conviction under certain conditions [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
SB273 | Intro
Sine Die | Donated funds, equipment, or property to organized search, air, and rescue squads, Sec. 9-3-18 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
SB340 | Pass | Medicaid Agency, delivery of medical services to Medicaid eligible persons through regional care organizations, organization of a quality assurance committee, contracts with alternative care providers under limited circumstances, authorized [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Assigned Act No. 2013-261. |
HB467 | Intro
Sine Die | Work release program, county jail, portion of inmate's gross wages used for sheriff's department, Sec. 14-8-37 am'd [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
SB314 | Intro
Sine Die | Municipalities, mayors, vacancies, procedures for filling in municipalities when president of council declines the office of mayor and remains on council, Sec. 11-43-42.1 added [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
SB360 | Intro
Sine Die | Accountability Act of 2013, amended to provide that no public or nonpublic school shall be forced to enroll a student pursuant to Act __ , 2013 Reg. Sess., am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
SB393 | Intro
Sine Die | Crimes and offenses, cruelty to animals, aggravated cruelty to animals established, cruelty to animals amended, Sec. 13A-11-14 am'd [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
SB98 | Intro
Sine Die | Municipal public housing authorities in certain Class 3 municipalities, purchase of real property authorized only for public housing purposes after notice to certain surrounding property owners, power of eminent domain with approval of municipal coun... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
SB78 | Intro
Sine Die | State agencies, fees levied which are retained to fund agency, increases based on Consumer Price Index authorized to be adopted by rule, periodic fees thereafter every five years [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
SB232 | Intro
Sine Die | Engineers and Land Surveyors, board approved examination, combined license and application fee, independent testing agency, disciplinary penalties increased, amount board may retain in fund each fiscal year increased, Secs. 34-11-1, 34-11-2, 34-11-3,... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
SB402 | Intro
Sine Die | Fire protection sprinkler systems, State Fire Marshal authorized to issue permits for installation, Secs. 34-33-1, 34-33-2, 34-33-3, 34-33-4, 34-33-5 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
SB70 | Intro
Sine Die | Firearms, certain federal laws regulating semi-automatic firearms or limiting the size of a magazine of a firearm rendered unenforceable, criminal penalty for enforcement by federal officials, Attorney General to defend residents for federal violatio... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Pending third reading on day 11 Favorable from Judiciary with 1 substitute |
HB199 | Pass | Insurance Department, reinsurance, regulation of, model law adopted, Chapter 5B, Title 27 added, Secs. 27-5B-1 to 27-5B-19, inclusive, added; Sec. 27-5-12 repealed [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Delivered to Governor at 12:20 p.m. on May 7, 2013. |
SB386 | Intro
Sine Die | Public Authorities, formed from former military installations, competitive bids, requirement that authority bid contracts removed, Sec.11-92B-24 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
SB422 | Intro
Sine Die | Incarceration, claims for wrongful incarceration, payments subject to legal fee not exceeding 25 percent of claim, Sec. 29-2-160 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
HB385 | Intro
Sine Die | Elections, absentee voting, submit absentee ballot by commercial carrier, Secs. 17-9-51, 17-11-9, 17-11-18 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
SB387 | Intro
Sine Die | Class 1 municipalities (Birmingham), racing commission, appointment of members by county legislative delegation, all members to vote, chairs to call meeting, Secs. 11-65-2, 11-65-5 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
HB305 | Intro
Sine Die | Youthful Offender Act, persons charged with a Class A felony excluded, Sec. 15-19-1 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
SB403 | Intro
Sine Die | Common Core Standards, State Board of Education prohibited from adopting or implementing [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
SB61 | Intro
Sine Die | Legislative, sessions to consist of organizational, regular of 20 day, budget of 10 days, and special sessions, Secs. 71.01 and 76 of Article IV of Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended, repealed, const. amend. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Constitution, Campaign Finance, Ethics, and Elections first Amendment Offered |
SB99 | Intro
Sine Die | Transportation Department, director authorized to appoint assistant counsel subject to State Merit System, Sec. 23-1-26 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
HB150 | Pass | Controlled Substances Prescription Database, membership of advisory committee, meetings further provided for, transmittal of information on controlled substances prescriptions, confidentiality of records, funding of database, Secs. 20-2-212, 20-2-213... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Delivered to Governor at 12:20 p.m. on May 7, 2013. |
HB336 | Intro
Sine Die | Homestead exemption, increased for protection against confiscation of a homestead for debts, Sec. 6-10-2 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
SB315 | Intro
Sine Die | Public education, definitions, arrest warrants, public school employees, issuance of arrest warrant for actions occurring while performing official duties, procedures [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Pending third reading on day 18 Favorable from Judiciary with 1 substitute |
HB50 | Intro
Sine Die | Public Works, Fair and Open Competition in Governmental Construction Act, establish, public agencies prohibited from entering contracts and making certain awards, certain terms prohibited in certain documents, certain persons prohibited from placing ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
HB244 | Intro
Sine Die | Fleet Management, Office of, created in Department of Transportation, Fleet manager, cost efficient acquisition, allocation, and maintenance of state owned motor vehicles and facilities, Secs. 41-17-1 to 41-17-9, inclusive, repealed [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
HB499 | Intro
Sine Die | Health Center Access and Quality Improvement Act, estab., assessment of health centers, administered by Revenue Department, fees, deposit for use by Medicaid Agency, termination date [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
SB158 | Intro
Sine Die | Public employees, certain employees on active military duty, compensation provided for, Secs. 31-12-5, 31-12-6 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
HB518 | Engross
Sine Die | Madison Co., weeds, Madison Co., Commission authorized to adopt a resolution to provide procedures for the abatement of weeds in platted subdivisions outside the corporate limits of any municipality in the county [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 To Senate Local Legislation No. 4 Committee |
SB371 | Intro
Sine Die | Credit Unions, state, regulation by Alabama Credit Union Administration, Secs. 5-17-1 to 5-17-12, inclusive, 5-17-14 to 5-17-16, inclusive, 5-17-19, 5-17-22, 5-17-40, 5-17-41, 5-17-44, 5-17-45, 5-17-46, 5-17-48, 5-17-50 to 5-17-52, inclusive, 5-17-55... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Pending third reading on day 23 Favorable from Banking and Insurance with 5 amendments |
SB442 | Intro
Sine Die | Income tax, deductions, married persons filing seperate income tax returns, allows either spouse to file either itemized deduction or optional standard deduction, Sec. 40-18-15 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
HB357 | Pass | Weights and measures, registered service agent to conduct testing and inspection of devices, Agriculture and Industries Department to provide registration and regulation of agents, Board of Agriculture and Industries authorized to adopt a schedule of... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Delivered to Governor at 12:20 p.m. on May 7, 2013. |
HB421 | Intro
Sine Die | Pawns, further regulate pawn transactions, Secs. 5-19A-2 am'd.; Secs. 5-19A-21, 5-19A-22, 5-19A-23, 5-19A-24, 5-19A-25 added [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
SB389 | Intro
Sine Die | Contractors and subcontractors, provide further for compliance of subcontractors with licensing requirements, Secs. 34-8-6, 34-8-7 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
HB214 | Intro
Sine Die | Child support, payments pursuant to withholding orders, ability to make to clerk of court deleted, employers required to notify Department of Human Resources of payments greater then $500, Secs. 30-3-61, 30-3-62, 30-3-65, 30-3-66 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Pending third reading on day 16 Favorable from Children and Senior Advocacy with 2 amendments |
SB309 | Intro
Sine Die | Transportation Department, highway projects, construction contract plan changes, approval by the Director of Transportation up to certain amounts without approval of Governor under certain conditions, Sec. 23-1-60 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
HB583 | Engross
Sine Die | Political activity, Legislature, minority and majority parties caucus, public funds authorized for paying staff members of political caucus, Sec. 17-17-5 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Pending third reading on day 30 Favorable from Governmental Affairs |
HB183 | Intro
Sine Die | School buses, automated civil enforcement of school bus violations, county and city boards of education may initiate and enforce, district and municipal courts, county and city law enforcement. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
SB316 | Intro
Sine Die | Electronic fund transfers, remittance transfer, Uniform Commercial Code applicable if transfer governed by Electronic Fund Transfer Act of 1978, exception, Sec. 7-4A-108 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Pending third reading on day 18 Favorable from Judiciary with 1 amendment |
SB367 | Engross
Sine Die | Dallas Co., judge of probate, salary increased [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 To House Local Legislation Committee |
HB670 | Engross
Sine Die | Coffee County, probate court, filing of certain documents in any courthouse in the county authorized, at discretion of probate judge [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 To Senate Local Legislation No. 1 Committee |
SB157 | Intro
Sine Die | Driver's licenses, suspension based on drug convictions, certain drug offenses deleted from law, certification of act by Governor to U. S. Department of Transportation, Sec. 13A-12-291 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
SB45 | Intro
Sine Die | Higher Education, 2-year institutions authorize to charge resident tuition for nonresident distance learning students Secs. 16-64-2, 16-64-4 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
HB427 | Intro
Sine Die | Educational Accountability and Intervention Act, specifying procedure and authority for State Board of Education to intervene and exercise direct control over decision making and operational functions of local boards of education [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
HB531 | Intro
Sine Die | Business entities, limited liability companies, formation of company agreement, filing, notice third parties, rights where operating agreement silent, Secs. 10A-1-1.03, 10A-1-1.08 am'd.; Secs. 10A-5-1.01 to 10A-5-9.06, inclusive, repealed; Secs. 10A-... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
SB173 | Intro
Sine Die | Motor vehicles, Alabama Move Over Act, garbage, trash, refuse, or recycling collection vehicles included, Sec. 32-5A-58.2 am'd. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
SB298 | Intro
Sine Die | Recycling, biodegradable plastic containers to meet standards for compostable products and be clearly labeled to prevent contamination of recyclable plastic containers [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
SB405 | Intro
Sine Die | Elections, party registration required in primary elections, Secretary of State maintain voters affiliation on voter registration form [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |
SB250 | Intro
Sine Die | Psychology, practice further defined, unauthorized practice further regulated, membership of Board of Examiners altered, continuing education; license renewal, proof of citizenship or legal status required for applicants for licensure, temporary lice... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2013-05-07 Indefinitely Postponed |