AR Legislation | 2017 | 91st General Assembly | Passed

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HB2220PassTo Amend The Process For Permitting Nonmunicipal Domestic Sewage Treatment Works.
Notification that HB2220 is now Act 1037
HB2094PassTo Amend The Arkansas Medical Marijuana Amendment Of 2016; And To Authorize Acquisition Of Seeds, Cuttings, Clones, And Plants By A Cultivation Facility.
Notification that HB2094 is now Act 1022
HB1607PassTo Limit The Use Of An English Learner's Score On A State-mandated Assessment For Public School And Public School District Accountability Purposes.
Notification that HB1607 is now Act 991
HB1867PassTo Amend The Law Concerning A Tow Vehicle Licensed In Another State.
Notification that HB1867 is now Act 998
HB2024PassTo Amend Provisions Of The Arkansas Code Concerning Abortion; And To Amend Law Regarding Maintenance Of Forensic Samples From Abortions Performed On A Child.
Notification that HB2024 is now Act 1018
HB2163PassTo Amend The Law Concerning Various Boards, Commissions, Committees, And Other Similar Entities; And To Abolish Certain Boards, Commissions, Committees, Or Other Similar Entities.
Notification that HB2163 is now Act 1006
HB1611PassConcerning The Basic Language Of Instruction In Public Schools.
Notification that HB1611 is now Act 989
HB1859PassTo Amend Provisions Of The Arkansas Code Concerning Effective Student Discipline.
Notification that HB1859 is now Act 1015
SB450PassTo Amend The Law Concerning The Sale And Redemption Of Tax-delinquent Property.
Notification that SB450 is now Act 1053
HB1915PassTo Require The Department Of Human Services And The Department Of Arkansas State Police To Provide Reports Concerning The Number Of Overturned True Finding Determinations.
Notification that HB1915 is now Act 1025
HB1927PassTo Amend The Law Concerning The Grounds For The Termination Of Parental Rights.
Notification that HB1927 is now Act 995
SB688PassTo Amend The Income Tax Credit For Waste Reduction, Reuse, Or Recycling Equipment; And To Declare An Emergency.
Notification that SB688 is now Act 1046
HB1393PassAn Act For The Arkansas Department Of Environmental Quality Appropriation For The 2017-2018 Fiscal Year.
Notification that HB1393 is now Act 1001
SB98PassAn Act For The Arkansas Commission On Law Enforcement Standards And Training Appropriation For The 2017-2018 Fiscal Year.
Notification that SB98 is now Act 1047
HB1826PassTo Create The Chocolate-covered Cherry Freedom Act Of 2017.
Notification that HB1826 is now Act 1035
SB443PassTo Allow A Student To Receive High School Graduation Credit For Completing Basic Training In The Military Before Graduating From High School.
Notification that SB443 is now Act 1064
SB372PassTo Amend Provisions Of The Public School Choice Act Of 2015; And To Declare An Emergency.
Notification that SB372 is now Act 1066
HB1167PassAn Act For The Office Of Attorney General Appropriation For The 2017-2018 Fiscal Year.
Notification that HB1167 is now Act 1002
HB2000PassTo Protect The Rights Of Employees And Applicants For Employment; Regarding Employer Use Of Background Checks Of Employees And Applicants For Employment.
Notification that HB2000 is now Act 1028
HB1550PassTo Amend The Law Concerning Nonmunicipal Domestic Sewage Treatment Works And The Nonmunicipal Domestic Sewage Treatment Works Trust Fund.
Notification that HB1550 is now Act 987
HB1742PassConcerning A Civil Action Involving A Deceptive Trade Practice; And To Define The Measure Of Damages In A Case Involving A Deceptive Trade Practice.
Notification that HB1742 is now Act 986
HB1247PassAn Act For The Department Of Finance And Administration - Disbursing Officer Appropriation For The 2017-2018 Fiscal Year.
Notification that HB1247 is now Act 1000
HB1705PassAn Act For The Department Of Human Services - Division Of Behavioral Health Services - Suicide Prevention Services Appropriation For The 2017-2018 Fiscal Year.
Notification that HB1705 is now Act 1027
SB168PassAn Act For The Department Of Education - Grants And Aid To Local School Districts And Special Programs Appropriation For The 2017-2018 Fiscal Year.
Notification that SB168 is now Act 1044
SB662PassTo Allow Certain Youth Groups To Use Public School Buildings Or Property To Provide Services At Times Other Than Instructional Time; And To Allow Certain Youth Groups To Speak To Students During School Hours.
Notification that SB662 is now Act 1069
SB371PassTo Amend Provisions Of The Arkansas Code Concerning Public School Inter-district Student Transfers.
Notification that SB371 is now Act 1065
SB592PassTo Authorize The Department Of Workforce Services To Use The Unemployment Insurance Administration Fund For Personal Services.
Notification that SB592 is now Act 1038
HB1681PassTo Amend The Definitions Under The Arkansas Tax Procedure Act; And To Provide That Erroneously Paid Refunds Are Considered Underpayments Of Tax And Are Subject To Assessment.
Notification that HB1681 is now Act 999
HB1991PassTo Enact Certain Prohibitions Regarding Medical Marijuana; And To Amend The Arkansas Medical Marijuana Amendment Of 2016 Regarding The Rules Involving Packaging, Labeling, And Dosing Of Usable Marijuana.
Notification that HB1991 is now Act 1023
HB2240PassTo Exempt Direct Primary Care Agreements From Insurance Regulation.
Notification that HB2240 is now Act 1020
HB1941PassConcerning An Entrepreneur Under Eighteen (18) Years Of Age; And To Create The Colin Keady Young Entrepreneur Mentor Program.
Notification that HB1941 is now Act 992
SB672PassTo Provide Flexibility For Educational Licensure For Physicians In Arkansas; And To Declare An Emergency.
Notification that SB672 is now Act 1061
HB2164PassTo Amend The Law Concerning Pawnbrokers; To Create The Arkansas Pawnbroker Act; And To Create The Pawnbroker Licensure Commission.
Notification that HB2164 is now Act 985
SB633PassTo Amend The Law Regarding The State Marketing Board For Recyclables And The Compliance Advisory Panel.
Notification that SB633 is now Act 1067
HB1509PassTo Create The Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act.
Notification that HB1509 is now Act 1013
SB364PassTo Simplify And Modernize The Notice Requirements For Permits Issued By The Arkansas Department Of Environmental Quality.
Notification that SB364 is now Act 1057
HB1381PassTo Amend The Grounds For Denying Permanency Plans That Place Juveniles In The Custody Of A Parent, Guardian, Or Custodian.
Notification that HB1381 is now Act 996
HB2096PassTo Amend Provisions Of Procurement Law To Reflect The Impact Of Inflation On The Cost Of Goods And Services And To Encourage More Participation By Small Businesses.
Notification that HB2096 is now Act 1004
HB2016PassTo Exempt Wheelchair Transportation From Licensure As An Ambulance; And To Preserve And Enhance Access To Transportation Options For The State's Medical Patients.
Notification that HB2016 is now Act 1033
HB2110PassConcerning The Requirements For A Concealed Handgun License For A Current Or Former Member Of The United States Armed Forces; And Concerning Concealed Handguns.
Notification that HB2110 is now Act 1017
HB2193PassTo Amend The Law Concerning Motor Vehicle Insurance.
Notification that HB2193 is now Act 1016
HCR1009PassRecognizing The Contributions Made By Mr. B.g. Hendrix To The State Of Arkansas And Directing The Department Of Finance And Administration To Name The 616 Garrison Building In Fort Smith In His Honor.
Approved by the Governor
SB601PassTo Repeal The Arkansas Prevailing Wage Law; And To Provide Flexibility To Cities And Counties For Capital Construction Projects; And To Declare An Emergency.
Notification that SB601 is now Act 1068
HB2203PassConcerning Driver's Licenses; Concerning The Ability Of A Person With A Suspended Driver's License To Drive To And From Work; And Concerning A Hardship License.
Notification that HB2203 is now Act 1012
SB376PassTo Create The Water Provider Legislative Task Force.
Notification that SB376 is now Act 1056
HB1828PassConcerning The Arkansas Title Insurance Act; And To Clarify That No Cause Of Action Exists For Negligence By An Insured Against A Title Insurance Agency Or Agent For Lack Of Reasonable Care In A Title Search.
Notification that HB1828 is now Act 1005
SB553PassTo Provide A Certification For Individuals Who Engage In Livestock Embryo Transfer Or Transplant And Livestock Pregnancy Determination.
Notification that SB553 is now Act 1074
SB730PassTo Amend The Law Concerning Barbers.
Notification that SB730 is now Act 1060
HB1668PassConcerning The Offense Of Driving Or Boating While Intoxicated; And Concerning The Disposition Of A Defendant Convicted Of Driving Or Boating While Intoxicated.
Notification that HB1668 is now Act 1032
HB1821PassConcerning A Party In An Action For Declaratory Relief; And To Declare An Emergency.
Notification that HB1821 is now Act 1030
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