Bill Amendment: AZ SB1063 | 2022 | Fifty-fifth Legislature 2nd Regular
Bill Title: Legislative vacancies; precinct committeemen
Status: 2022-03-02 - Senate motion to reconsider third reading [SB1063 Detail]
Download: Arizona-2022-SB1063-SENATE_-_Ugenti-Rita_flr_amend_ref_Bill_adopted.html
Number: S.B. 1063
Ugenti-Rita Floor Amendment
Reference to: printed bill
Amendment drafted by: Leg Council
1. Applies the requirement that precinct committeemen directly elect a replacement in a legislative vacancy to only vacancies that occur in legislative districts that have more than 30 PCs and that are located in more than one county.
2. Makes conforming changes.
Fifty-fifth Legislature Ugenti-Rita
Second Regular Session S.B. 1063
(Reference to printed bill)
Page 1, line 10, after "occurred" insert "and the legislative district is in more than one county"
Page 2, line 15, strike "B" insert "C"
Between lines 17 and 18, insert:
"B. If a vacancy occurs in the legislature and the vacant seat was represented by a political party that is organized pursuant to title 16, chapter 5, article 2 and that has at least thirty elected committeemen who are from precincts that are in the legislative district in which the vacancy occurred and the legislative district is contained within a single county, the following apply:
1. The secretary of state shall immediately notify the state party chairman of the appropriate political party of the vacancy. Within three business days after notification of the vacancy by the secretary of state, the state party chairman of the appropriate political party or the chairman's designee shall give written notice of the meeting to fill the vacancy to all elected precinct committeemen of the appropriate political party from precincts that are in the legislative district in which the vacancy occurred.
2. Those elected precinct committeemen shall nominate, within twenty-one days after notification of the vacancy by the secretary of state if the legislature is not in regular session or within five days if the legislature is in regular session and by a majority vote, three qualified electors to fill the vacancy who meet the requirements for service in the legislature, who belong to the same political party and who reside at the time of nomination in the same district as the person elected to or appointed to the office immediately before the vacancy.
3. The meeting to fill the vacancy is subject to title 38, chapter 3, article 3.1, and the state party chairman of the appropriate political party shall oversee the nominations. Fifty percent or more of the elected precinct committeemen of the district who are in the legislative district in which the vacancy occurred, or their proxies, meeting together constitutes a quorum for the purposes of this subsection. A precinct committeeman may choose to allow the use of a proxy that:
(a) Is given by the precinct committeeman to another elected precinct committeeman for the legislative district in which the vacancy occurred for use at the meeting to fill the vacancy.
(b) Only is valid for the length of the meeting for which it was given.
(c) Is attested by a notary public or two witnesses.
4. The state party chairman of the appropriate political party shall immediately forward the names of the three persons named pursuant to paragraph 2 of this subsection to the board of supervisors of the county of residence of the person elected or appointed to the office immediately before the vacancy occurred. The board of supervisors shall appoint a person from the three nominees submitted.
5. If the elected precinct committeemen of the appropriate political party fail to fill the vacancy within twenty-one days if the legislature is not in regular session or within five days if the legislature is in regular session, as provided in paragraph 2 of this subsection, the state party chairman shall immediately notify the board of supervisors of the appropriate county and the board of supervisors shall fill the vacancy as provided in subsection C of this section. The time frame for appointing a citizens panel shall run from receipt of notification from the state party chairman."
Reletter to conform
Amend title to conform